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The door was flung open as the group of officers, nurses and of course Angela Schulz stormed in. Two officers grabbed Levi by the arms and another two by his legs. Another carried a straight jacket and another carried leg shackles. A nurse carried a syringe and a pill bottle. Angela took to screaming and slapping Levi all the way down the hallway. "YOU FUCKING PSYCHO! YOU ARE GOING TO FUCKING SUFFER FOR WHAT YOU DID TO MIKE AND CARL!" she shouted at Levi as she punched him hard. They drug Levi up the steps to the top floor and to the end of what was an attic but was now used to house solitary patients(Called by patients "The last ring of Hell"). He was thrown down on the wooden floor and was shackled. He was then yanked up and restrained. Angela flung open the door to his cell, a dark and padded room with no windows. He was kicked down and he was first injected into his leg and forced to swallow a Lithium tablet. "ENJOY YOUR TRIP ASSHOLE!" she shouted slamming and locking the door to his cell. 

He shifted to the end of his cell and curled up in a ball, whimpering loudly as the LSD started to take effect. First the walls started to melt around him and then the long shadows started to bend like fingers. He felt like something brushed against his fur and spoke softly into his ear "Levi...Levi...just let it go". Let what go? His mind? He struggled against the restraints until he felt a paw touch his shoulder "Don't fight" he heard a voice say. He turned around and saw his grandfather in his vestments. "Deda?" he whimpered as a tear rolled down his cheek. He felt his grandfather hug him and speak softly in Russian "Levi, I got you. Just let go". Levi looked up in confusion  as his grandfather started to melt away. He whimpered and moved away from where his grandfather was. He heard a more raspy voice in his head "Kill yourself...and you will stop hurting". He tried to slap himself but he was tied up. "Oh come on..just embrace the peace of death. You've been through so much...Just let go" it whispered. He felt cold paws move down his arms and his back, like it was tempting him. Levi whimpered again and tried to kick at the air. 

What had to have been hours felt like years, especially when high. Time first stopped then gradually became fast and then it stopped again. He tried to sleep but found that his dreams were all nightmares of his grandfather or him being abused. He would wake up screaming and thrashing at the imaginary demons. Due to the isolation unit being in the attic he was freezing. He had no blanket give to him so he would curl up. When that failed he would try to lean up against the padded wall, that failed. He eventually gave up and accepted the possibility of freezing to death. He started hearing voices from around him. Soft yet loud at the same time. The voices were those of monks in the monastery choir from his childhood. They sang in Russian "Let my prayers rise like incense and the lifting of my hands be an evening sacrifice". They oppressively got louder from soft to a roar in his head. He starting thrashing around trying to drown out the chorus in his head "Set O Lord a watch before my mouth and a protecting door about my lips". He slid to the corner of his cell yet the chorus went on "both now and ever and unto the ages of ages AMEN". The last part nearly shattered his eardrums before he started screaming to try to drown it out. After five minutes of screaming the chorus left him and he was in complete silence. That in itself was also nearly deafening and just as maddening because he could only hear his heart beating in his head. 

When the guards came for him around sunset he was curled up on the floor in the center of the room. They tried to help him walk but he just gave up so, they just strapped him to a gurney instead. He was silent the whole time, oblivious to the jeers from Angela and the guards the whole trip back to his room. The only thing he did was twitch on the elevator ride from the attic to his floor. They removed the straps and forced him to lay on his bed as a shocked Evan could only watch. When they left the two alone all Evan could say was "What did they do to you?". Silence was his reply. 

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