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Almost a month passed since Levi was raped. Every night he had vivid nightmares of that day. During the day for a few weeks he would practically cling to Evan whenever he would leave his room. Some nights he would wake up screaming and once woke up in tears. Word got out to Sgt. John, who nearly beat one of the orderlies to a pulp from rage. Of course the head doctor did nothing about this but stare. One day she showed up at their cell and slapped the two for "disobeying authority" and "resisting the passes Carl was making". Both guys received the normal treatment of meds and beatings. Except for Evan who had his medications increased to where he started becoming more sluggish and irritable. Levi was put through another LSD treatment before the end of November. 

Around midnight on December 1 a team of nurses, orderlies and security grabbed Evan from his sleep. He was jabbed with a needle and given a powerful sedative. The nurses strapped him to a gurney and took him to the medical center. After he was strapped to the surgical table he was given a powerful cocktail of Lithium, Thorazine and an experimental drug called "Solution Alpha" After a few minutes two doctors, Dr. Michael  Paul and Dr. Angela Schulz, injected two chemicals into Evan's arm. The first was named "Chemical Flint". Flint would penetrate the cells and begin to unravel the genes to where the dormant genes were exposed and primed. After five minutes the second chemical called "Chemical Steel" was injected. This chemical would reactivate the dormant and primitive genes in his body to become dominant. At the same time the now dominant genes were nearly destroyed so that there would be no chance of his children becoming like him. Once the chemicals bound to the DNA and activated the changes happened almost immediately. First his mouth elongated into a snout and his teeth became much sharper. His body buffed up like a weightlifter does and fur started to sprout. He started to grow a tail that had scales sprouting between the fur. His eyes got a bit wider and went from hazel to a yellow. Then his bones started to break and repair themselves into a new shape. His legs snapped and elongated a bit. His hands and fingers broke and reset themselves the moment they formed. His new finger nails elongated into sharp talons. His ribs broke many times as he shifted.

After nearly two hours his transformation was complete. What used to be a Copperhead snake was now a dark grey dragon, still sleeping on the table. After checking his vitals and some blood samples he was taken back to his room to sleep off the drugs. Levi was still fast asleep in his bed. Evan turned on his side, mumbled and slept off the drugs. Morning came with the sun rising above the hills. The early morning rays woke the two up earlier than usual. Levi was awake first as usual. He turned on his side towards Evan. "Good morning my friend. Sleep well?" he asked trailing off. He rubbed his eyes, then he rubbed them again. "Pinch me I'm dreaming.." he said to himself as he pinched himself. "OW Fuck" he said feeling pain. He stood up and slapped himself for good measure. There was no denying what he saw in front of him. Madness and dreams sounded like a blessing. Some have the luxury of going mad and others waking up in their beds. This was not one of those moments for before Levi was his friend Evan only he was now a dragon.

"E..Evan..EVAN!" he shouted at his friend as he sat on his bed. Evan stirred and croaked out in a deeper voice "What?". Levi pointed to the small mirror in the room. Evan dragged himself over to it and did a double take. He looked again and slapped himself to make sure he was awake. "Wait....There isn't a snake staring back at me..Am I.." he could barely finish the sentence before he started feeling a mood swing come on. He looked over at Levi and started feeling..lusty. Like he was pent up and needed to hold something to satisfy himself for a minute. He went over to his friend and said "Umm C.Can you.." before throwing him against the wall and started removing his pants. "PLEASE STOP! NO! NO! PLEASE DON'T HURT ME!" Levi started pleading as Evan started undressing himself. "Oh what? You act like you never slept with a guy before.." he said starting to swing to overwhelming sadness. He dropped his friend and started to tear up. "Levi? I'm so sorry..I'm so sorry.." he blubbered,  sliding against the wall and curling up in a ball next to his pants. He started crying loudly like he was in pain. "I'm sorry..I don't want to hurt you..I don't want to hurt you..I'm..I'm a fucking monster" he blubbered and curled up in a sad ball. Levi was catching his breath and was hesitant to go near him.

He slowly went over to Evan. "Hey..It's ok. I'm not mad at you my friend. Are you ok?" he said softly. Evan eventually started to calm down. "I just..I don't know what came over me. I'm so sorry..I would never hurt you..I just felt..turned on and had to just...Oh God it's happening!" he screamed holding his head. Levi backed away as Evan screamed again and instantly went back to crying. Levi helped a sobbing Evan to his bed and sat across from him, still in his underwear  and shaking. After another mood swing Evan eventually stopped and just laid in silence wiping tears away. "What the fuck happened to me? I feel different". They were interrupted by an orderly. "Levi, we managed to find an Orthodox chaplain. He will meet with you once a week on Sundays from now on. That is all" he said leaving the two alone, not even looking at the new Evan. "A priest huh? I wish Father Matthew still came here..I just need to talk to someone.." Evan said. "Well you have me my friend" Levi said. "I may be nuts but I won't hate you. We're like brothers, we suffer together in this hellish place". This caused Evan to tear up again"I..Thank you..Thank you.. I don't deserve you after what I just did to you". "Hey, we need to stick together" Levi responded. He stuck his paw out and they shook on it, they would stick together until they were free or died. 

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