9.Flint, Steel and Tile

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The research team met for the followup meeting on the successful Project Flint and Steel.Among those present were Dr. Angela Schulz and Sgt. John from security. The head surgeon Dr. Paul Jules, the director of nursing and a resident doctor, Dr. Oliver Wu. Dr. Wu was a psychiatrist from Hong Kong, now in the United States. Wu was a Corsac fox with light brown fur and gray eyes.  Dr. Wu was world renowned for his mixing of western and eastern theories in his treatment of the mentally ill. He was quickly taking notes as fast as Angela presented about the successful changes to the patient's biological and psychological chemistry. As she started on his mood swings Wu interrupted with a question. "Dr. Schulz has the patient attempted to harm himself or others in the course of his mood swings?". She replied with a smile "Well we heard he tried to have sex with his roommate and he did grab the head of security by the throat. We don't know if he tried to harm himself". Wu nodded and wrote something in his journal. When Angela, John and Paul finished talking, Dr. Wu started giving his side. 

"I would like to first say that the experiment was a success. I am glad we were able to correct someone's chemical makeup in hopes it could cure delusions. I would like to focus on the aspect of mood swings and how they can be mitigated. First it should come as no surprise that he is having mood swings. The chemical makeup of the brain was altered and what was once fantasy is now real. His brain is still trying to compensate for that but I do think it will adjust in due time. Based on what was told to me they seem to be intense and something should be done to mitigate them. He needs a distraction when he is in the midst of a swing such as drawing, meditation, music or even going for a run with his room mate. Why the room mate? Well simply put he needs a companion of some sorts that is not staff. He needs a friend that is like him as it builds a sense of trust between patients and can actually help them improve. When I worked at the Royal Hospital in Hong Kong we first tried to segregate patients but this proved to cause problems. When we got the patients together and had them do activities in pairs is helped. Group therapy while effective can overwhelm the patient so it's better we stick people in pairs. You mentioned how he did not try and harm himself based on what you know and well...the unfortunate situation with his roommate. Simply put the two complement each other. Think of Yin and Yang from philosophy. Two opposites that make something whole. One may be outgoing and the other may be shy.." . He drew the Yin Yang symbol on the chalkboard. "You can see that both have sparks of the opposite in each other. Simply put two complements the other and makes a situation whole. The same goes for the patient. His delusions and his real self can now complement each other and will make the situation whole again. After all a whole patient is the best one and if done well they can be released to the community". 

Angela did not like the last part of making them whole enough so soon. "With all due respect Dr. Wu, some of these patients are violent. Surely they can't be made whole again". Wu replied "Do you doubt your abilities or do you just not want to? We need to help these unfortunates rather than imprison them forever. Already there's a movement to shut down these hospitals and some of the patients are not whole. If we can work on them rather than warehouse them until the state comes in and shuts us down, we would be doing the world a huge service. We should also minimize the use of drugs and incorporate talk therapy, religious therapy, health and nutrition and helping them become the best in all they do. The Humanists are starting to make many changes to psychology and psychiatry. We need to get up to par with them. With that I saw we must start getting Mr. Thomas off his medications and have him do productive activities..". 

Angela held her paw up "Thank you Dr. Wu. I think the director of nursing would like to speak". After the meeting Dr. Wu went to meet with Evan and Levi. The two were laying in their beds just chatting. Wu entered and sat across from them. He asked Evan the usual questions about his mood. He was still having mood swings only they were starting to become less intense with time. He then pulled Levi aside. "Levi, has Evan tried to hurt himself at all?". Evan sighed and nodded. "Sunday around midnight so..today is Tuesday so two days ago he tried to hang himself with his sheets. He hasn't since then...Doctor..just please help him. He's still really sad". Wu said he would do what he can and left them. Of course he would try to hang himself because pills can just barely get control of his emotions. No one here cared about making one whole, they just wanted them warehoused in cells with another outcast so they could decay. As much as he hated the movement to shut the hospitals down he also hated the warehousing mentality. "Did they not have rights? Do they not have needs?" he said to himself as he went back to his office and slammed the door. He sat at his desk and started reading over his files.

Levi went to take a shower after Wu left. He slung his dirty clothes in the bin and turned on the water, cold as usual. He shivered as he soaped himself up. Out of nowhere the thoughts came back "This looks like a good place to end it all". He slapped himself and ran his face under the cold water. It stung his face but he was able to stop the thoughts for a moment. He heard movement behind him that made him jump and turn around. He swore he saw a shadow move out of the corner of his eye but he saw no one. He was finishing up when he heard a slam behind him. He slowly turned around and saw movement, nothing again. As he was dressing this time he saw an orderly approaching him, Mike. Mike grabbed him by his neck and slammed his face into the shower tile. "You little poof! Carl died because you just couldn't shut up and your crazy friend bit him. It's payback time you little shit!" Mike said, nearly shouting, as he slammed Levi's face into the tile again. Levi tried to stand up but he was punched in the stomach. "Pitiful for a soldier!" Mike shouted and went to grab him. This time Levi was fast and punched Mike before he could be gabbed. Levi slammed Mike's face into the tile and then threw him down. Mike tried to escape but was grabbed by Levi. "FUCK YOU! FUCK YOU AND CARL TOO!" Levi shouted kicking Mike in the stomach. Mike tried to get away but was grabbed again "CARL GETS FUCKED IN HELL!" he shouted throwing Mike against the wall and then finally throwing him face first onto the tile in the shower. Levi turned the water on and tried to drown Mike but midway through holding Mike down he gave up and pulled Mike up. Mike was gasping for air but was able to shout "YOU LITTLE SHIT! SHE'LL KILL YOU FOR THIS!" to which Levi replied "GOOD! ABOUT DAMNED TIME SOMEONE DID!". He stormed back to his cell, slammed the door and laid on his bed, ignoring the looks from Evan. He was covered in blood and water. His face was cut and starting to swell. Levi no longer cared if someone beat him or killed him. If she wanted to beat him to death, she was coming with him. "I'll see you in hell" he mumbled to himself as he heard footsteps approaching his room.  

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