First conversation

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Zosar, Odion and Cleo stood in the darkest part of the library, between the shelves of some really old,dusty books, in the most far-away corner.

If she wasn't aware that they are not posing a danger from their stance,she would be in full-battle mode.

But instead, she tried to analyze the situation.

First things that came to her attention were their clothing which just screamed "North-Egyptian" and their captivating eyes. Although they had different colors, the exact intense stare shook her. They surely were brothers. She didn't doubt that.

They weren't normal citizens, traders or merchants either . Their phisique,as robust as hers and Karo's, spoke texts.
After a quick check, she could say that they didn't have any weapons which meant they weren't a threat . Yet.

So she decided to speak directly. Her face remained as emotionless as a stone, all traces of intrigueness and surprise after the blonde's intervention between her and the librarian, now long gone.

'So, what business do you have with me, gentlemen ?'

The direct question took them a bit by surprise, they were still thinking of how she fully checked them out seconds ago and didn't expected that raspy voice to roll over them like a group of elefants.

Cleo gave them time, to choose their words wisely.

And because a book with old fairy-tales catched her eye and because she had to read the children something in ca. 30 minutes, she turned to take it from the shelf placed over her head, giving them some seconds to think.

It was a test.

If they attacked while her back was turned , then they'll show their true colors, resulting in her killing them on the spot.

Contrary to her thoughts, their minds went blank when she turned around.

They couldn't even remember what her question was.

When she turned around and tippy toed to take the book , they had the best view on her magnificent ass.

Those pants were the most tight and vulgar thing they ever saw in their life. Even the women in Odion's seraglio didn't have that kind of clothes. Heck, they didn't have even nearly a bottom as perfect as that.

Zosar swallowed his saliva drily, while Odion blushed more than when their mother Hatshepsut catched him for the first time having sex with the kitchen-maid. He was as red as a tomato.

With the book in her hands, she concentrated one more time ,on the two men's expression.
But was surprised to feel a touch of awkwardness in the air.

'Cat got your tongue?'

First to react was the dark-haired brother.

'We are emissaries sent by the pharaohs and we have been instructed to come in contact with you. To check how everything is going in general....' her slender hand interrupted him.

'Can you prove that?'

Again, they were surprised that she didn't believe them immediately.
No one would normally dare to impersonate royal servants and to still take that improbable possibility into account, showed how capable she was.

Odion took a golden pin in the form of a snake from his tunic and showed it to her. Zosar did the same.
She still wasn't one hundred percent sure that they spoke the truth,but it was an outstanding piece of evidence. The complicated pattern of the snake resembled the pin the tax collectors from the royal palace had.

'Hmmm. Why would the pharao send you' she made some air quotes with her fingers 'to check the situation? Maybe they feel in danger because of the fast evolution of the Southern Regions. But I can assure you ....I don't plan any revolution and..... if you need to see it with your own eyes, then you can tag along for some time' she took three stepps to the middle section of the library 'but first I 'll read those children some stories. One wrong step and you' her hand made a slicing movement against her neck 'are gone.'
With her back turned, Odion couldn't stop himself from lipsinking the word "naughty" to his brother behind her back.

"Restrain yourself" replied Zosar sternly, also lipsinking.

Afterwards they just watched her take a seat in the middle of a free corridor.

The children came shortly after.
They instantly flocked to her like a pair of chicks to the mother hen after entering the room and sat on puffy pillows in a half-circle around her. They first didn't concentrated on her words, but the way she spoke to the children in compariaon of how she spoke to them....

Her voice wasn't that raw and deep anymore. It was more lighter and livelier.
They felt a little bit unsatisfied that she spoke to them in that authoritary tone,but to the children she sounded so sweet. However they had no right to complain.....

As she was in the middle of reading why the waterfairy left the place so called dessert in the story, a little storm rushed into the library. Her panic showing in her tiny body.

It was the little girl she met on the street an hour ago.

Something was wrong. So Cleo shut the book gracefully in one move and said:

'Ok kids , story-time is over. I'll read the other part next time.'
One by one, the children got up halfheartedly, but still excited that they can meet her another time.

With the path now free, the girl hurried to Cleo. Beautiful eyes draining in tears, red-puffed cheeks.

'Help! My family! God's sent ....please help me ....' sniffing she clinched her t-shirt as if there was no tomorrow.

Soothingly she patted the girl's head and tried to calm her down.
Smaragd-green eyes met the crying eyes.
'It's allright. Just bring us there'

For the brothers was clear .....they had to go.

Armed with her guns ,some knives , two muscular young men and a petite crying babygirl on her arm, Cleo left the library behind just like an angry bird wanting to protect her chick and hurried in the direction the girl directed her.

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