Chapter 4

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Elises POV..
We all got found except for adam. I sat patiently on the couch waiting for him to be found.

"Hey princess." Colby said sitting next to me.

I smiled at him and looked down.

"Whats wrong?" He asked lifting my head up.

I couldn't tell him that I might actually be considering having feelings for dom and him..

"Nothing." I lied through my teeth.

"If there is then you can talk to me." He said caressing my cheek with his thumb.

I nodded and smiled. I heard a whole bunch of talking which meant adam had been found.

"What's wrong?" Adam whispered in my ear.

I looked at him and he knew I was irritated. He grabbed my hand and and pulled me up to my room.

"We'll be back guys." He shouted as we walked away.

We entered the room and he closed the door. We sat on the bed and he hugged me.

"What is it?" He asked.

"It's the stupid boys." I said embarrassed because I was stressing over boys. "I think I like dom." I said looking up at him.

"Maybe he's not a bad guy, maybe he will actually love you." He said rubbing my shoulder.

"I'm not taking any stupid risks." I said.

I got up and walked back to the living room. I laid on kats lap and watched the movie.

Time skip to monday.
Doms POV...
I got up bright and early and went to go get coffee for everyone. I felt really happy with the friend group I now have.

I knocked on elises front door and waited for someone to answer. As the front door opened I seen colby with a toothbrush in his mouth. He looked at me and opened the door.

"Good to see you bloody twat." I whispered.

I closed the door and walked to the kitchen. I seen everyone come down the stairs ready for school.

"I got coffee!" I yelled with a smile on my face.

I looked at elise and she didn't even pay attention to me. She walked to the fridge and got a monster then walked away. I felt hurt.

"Give her time mate." Adam said as he put a hand on my shoulder.

"Thanks!" Sam and kat said at the same time.

"No problem mates." I said bro hugging sam.

Colby came out of his room and went to elise. He sat next to her and put his arm around his shoulder while she rested her head on his chest.

"When the bloody hell did that happen?" I said to adam.

"They've gotten pretty close the past few days. Maybe it's for the best." He said as he walked away.

Over my dead body was I going to let colby date her. She's mine and mine only.

"School time!!" Elise yelled pulling adam out the front door.

Sam and kat went in their own car together while adam,elise, and colby went in elises car. I went in my own which I decided was best.

Elises POV...
I'm trying my hardest to stay away from dom but it's hard. Everything about him draws me to him. I've gotten closer to colby which surprisingly I liked. I trusted colby and I knew he wouldn't hurt me.

"We're here!!" Adam yelled.

We laughed and then got out of the car. As we walked in, I seen dom and some girl talking. She was yelling at him while he tried to calm her down. I decided that it wasn't my business so I left it alone.

"There's sam, Ill see you later." Colby said kissing my cheek. I nodded with a smile.

We weren't a thing but we kind of acted like it. But we weren't- nevermind.

"What's up with you and colby?" Kat asked walking next to me.

"Nothing." I said rolling my eyes.

"Doesn't seem like nothing. I thought you liked dom." She said as we stopped at our lockers.

"I do but don't you think it would be smart to not date a player." I said shoving my stuff in my locker.

"Don't you think it'd be smart to at least give him a chance? He seems like he really likes you elise. To be honest I'd rather see you two together rather then you and colbs. You and colby don't vibe but you and dom do." She said closing her locker. "Think about it." She said before walking away.

That actually made sense though. I'm just judging him because of things I've heard. I think im going to give him a chance. I walked around looking for dom. I knew where is locker was so I decided to check there. I turned the corner with a huge smile on my face.

"What the hell?" I said as I seen dominic kissing some girl.

He looked at me with guilt and then yelled for me to come back. I was pissed so I walked away fast. I didn't want to hear his stupid excuses.

I was walking and wasn't paying attention to where I was going. I ran into someone and almost fell.

"Woah! Watch where you're going brother." The boy with pink hair said as he caught me.

He was GORGEOUS! I starred at him for a while and snapped out of it.

"Uh sorry I didn't mean to run into you. Thanks for catching me." I said standing on my feet.

"No problem. Didn't know you were falling that hard for me." He said making a cocky face.

I smiled and rolled my eyes. I was about walk away when he grabbed my wrist and turned me around.

"Can I at least have your number?" He said holding me close.

"I um- yeah sure." I said grabbing his notebook and a pen.

I wrote my number in it and smiled. I actually walked away this time.

"Thanks Cinderella!" I heard him yell.

I smiled and realized I didn't know his name and he didn't know mine. I turned around and ran into dom.

Great as if my life couldn't get any better.

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