Chapter 10

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Elises POV...
I continued to drive until I got to the house. I waited until he was ready and come outside.

"Hey!" He said as he got in the car.

"Hey ready?" I asked wiping my tears.

"Am I ready to be your rebound/ sidekick? Hell yeah!!!" He said laughing.

I giggled and then drove. My phone started ringing and I didn't pay attention to it.

"It's kat." Jake said.

I was kind of confused because we haven't spoken due to her and her boy toy. I grabbed my phone and answered it.

"What's up kat?"


She was crying and yelling.

"What happened?"

"Sam cheated on me with his ex! I don't want to be here."

I looked at jake and he gave me a devilish grin.

"Me and jake are running away to california for a bit... Do you wanna come?"

"You dont even have to ask... I'll be ready soon."

She hung up and jake started laughing.

"Who's life isn't falling apart?" Jake asked laughing.

I shook my head and laughed. I hope dom is happy.

Doms POV...
I was a mess. She's been gone for a few hours and I haven't stopped crying. My phone rang and I jumped and answered it.


"Dom! What the hell? What did you do?  I can't get ahold of elise but she posted something saying "once a cheater always a cheater"... Did you cheat on my best friend?"

"It's not what it looks like!"

"Wow dom... I thought you changed bruv."

Adam hung up and I cried even more. Why is all this happening?

Kats POV...
I got all my stuff ready and waited outside for elise and jake. They finally got here and I jumped in the car.

"Let's go do some damn damage!" I said fed up with everything.

"Jake agreed to be our rebounds!" Elise said messing around.

I laughed and looked at jake through the mirror. He looked back and winked...ngl hes kind of cute.

Elises POV...
We stopped for gas and I went inside to grab snacks and and pay for gas. I grabbed everything and then walked out.

"Dang that was quick!" I said walking past jake and kat kissing.

They laughed and jake pumped the gas. We all got back in and started driving again.

"How much longer?" Kat said taking out her phone.

"About two hours why?" I said.

"Im gonna take pictures and give the boys hell." She said looking at me and jake.

"Im gonna do the same for yours!" Jake said grabbing my phone.

"Im gonna do the same for yours!" Jake said grabbing my phone

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Hacked by the best!

He showed me the picture and I laughed. Kat showed me a picture of her kissing jakes cheek and I gasped.

"Feeling risky I see." I said surprised she did that.

She smiled and flipped her hair.

Doms POV...
I opened my phone and seen elise post on her snapchat. I opened it and seen that douche jake!

"Shes with him?" I said to myself.

I was heartbroken. I didn't even really cheat on her! She didn't let me explain... Well now I've lost her.

Elises POV...
"My turn to drive!" Jake said.

I pulled over and we switched.

"We're here!" Kat screeched.

We drove through and stopped by a hotel.

"Uhhhm no!" Kat said. "My dad has a house here and we're going to stay there and not this crappy place." She said grabbing her phone.

We drove there and hopped out of the car.

"Woah!" Jake said looking at the house in awe.

We took all the stuff inside and went to walk to get pizza. We arrived at the place and ate.

"Let's go to a skatepark!" Kat said.

"Ok" me and jake said at the same time.

I noticed jake walking and eating pizza.

I noticed jake walking and eating pizza

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Hes a strange one!😂

I posted it on sc and continued walking. We got to the park and started messing around. We didn't go to skate but instead watch others do it because we didn't have boards.

"Hey do you wanna use my board?" Asked a random young guy.

I looked at kat and jake and seen them smiling.

"Uhh sure." I said to the guy.

"Im ethan and this is my twin grayson." He said smiling.

I looked at the other kid and smiled. Kat started skating with the other kid while jake met some girl.

"Hey why don't we go back home?" Kat said.

"Nooo! Don't leave me!" The twin said to her.

"You guys can come too, right elise?" Kat said to me.

"Oh yeah for sure." I said smiling at ethan.

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