Chapter 8

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Elises POV...
I was laying down with dom on my bed. I finally got him to go to sleep. I was falling asleep when I heard the doorbell, luckily dom didn't wake up. I got out of his grip and opened the door.

"Hey I have your stuff. What happened?" Adam said coming in.

"He had a really bad break down. I calmed him down and got him to sleep." I said rubbing my head.

"Wait!" Adam said stopping. "You calmed him down and got him to sleep?" Adam said shocked.

"Yeah why?" I said kind of scared.

"When dom has those moments, nobody is able to calm him down. We usually had to take him to the hospital and dom never sleeps..." He said with a huge smile.

I felt myself smiling so bad because of what adam was saying. Adam went to his room and I went to sleep. We were all tired and I needed to watch dom.

"Elise?! Where am I?!" I heard dom yell.

I ran to the room and seen him freaking out.

"Hey I'm here! Im right here." I said laying next to him.

I held him and fell asleep.

Doms POV...
I woke up and I was laying on elises chest. I reached over and grabbed my phone. It was 10pm! I texted my mom and told her I was staying with a friend for a week. I was about to put it down but my phone started ringing.

"Hello?" I said not looking at the called ID.

"How was your little attack?" I heard Priscilla laugh on the other end.

I felt myself about to freak out.

"To bad your little girlfriend knows nothing about me...but she will soon. See ya soon dommy. Oh by the way, she has a really nice big house." She said hanging up.

I stayed quite and heard a car start. I ran to the window and seen the car speed off. I needed to tell elise, I know she won't leave or judge me.

"Whats wrong?" I heard elise whisper.

I sat on the bed next to her and looked at her.

"We have to talk." I said looking at her.

Her face went pale.

"NO NO NO! Not like that. I'm not breaking up with up love." I said chuckling.

"I thought you were you jerk!" She said slapping my shoulder.

We smiled at each other and then we got serious.

"I have- I have a crazy ex. I dated her when I first moved from Doncaster, it only lasted 2 months because she was really controlling and obsessive over me. I stayed away from relationships because of her. She threatens me and the person I like. I stayed away until I met you. You're the one elise and I'm sorry for being selfish and putting you in danger but I don't want to lose you." I said holding her hands.

"Dominic, I wish you would of told me earlier. I'm not going to leave you over a dumb ex. I'm here to stay and the sooner she knows that the better." She said cupping my face. "But I haven't been completely honest with you either."

When she said this my gut dropped. I felt a flash of anxiety run over me.

"I have really bad issues. I have anxiety and depression." She said looking down. "I'm a misfit." She said with a tear falling.

I wiped it away and lifted her face.

"Then we're misfits together." I said kissing her.

We ended up talking about everything and then we fell asleep.

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