Chapter 9: In which Jojo is saved by Carl-Senpai

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Jojo woke up in dark room. She was tied to a chair, and her hands were handcuffed behind her back.

She tried to recall what had happened before she blacked out. She remembered... the car exploding!

My caaaaaaaaar!!!!! It's ruined! Jojo thought to herself.

Jojo used her magical anime powers to escape from the ropes that tied her arms together.

Suddenly, in the darkness, a face appeared! It was Carl Azuz, from CNN 10! (A/N: If you don't know who this guy is, look him up. You won't regret it.)

"Jojo, I've come to rescue you!" Said Carl. "Come with me!"

Jojo and Carl ran through the dark. Jojo couldn't see anything past Carl. She heard a door opening, and soon they were out onto the light.

It was bright out, so it took a few seconds for Jojo's eyes to adjust. They appeared to be standing in a large patch of grass. Maybe a field, or front yard of some kind.

Jojo and Carl sprinted across the yard, until they got to the edge. On the other side of the lawn, there was was a bright green van.

"Jojo." Carl said. "We need to get to the headquarters. This is the fastest van we own, and it should be able to get us there at top speed in about four or five hours."

"We? Who's we?" Jojo asked.

"Oh jeez, she doesn't know." Carl said under his breath. "The alliance! You know, the association of internet warriors!"

Jojo was still confused, so Carl continued. "We're putting together a group of meme lords who can take down Maddie Ziegler once and for all!"

Jojo was ecstatic! More people who could help her take down Ziegler! This was all she could have ever asked for. Except perhaps, world peace or whatever. But this was good enough!

"Wow, Carl-Senpai! That's amazing!" Jojo exclaimed. "So who's in this group of meme lords, anyway?"

"Well Jo, I guess you'll see when we get there."

After all this talk, the duo climbed into the green van. Carl sat in the driver's seat, and Jojo rode shotgun.


The van pulled up to a large, Victorian Style house. Carl parked on the lawn, since there didn't appear to be any driveway. It had been five hours since they got in the van, and Jojo was getting really hungry. She hadn't eaten since Chick-Fil-A, and her stomach was rumbling.

"Welcome to mi casa!" Shouted Carl, as he gestured towards the house. He and Jojo jumped out of the van. Jojo followed Carl across the lawn, and towards the front door.

Carl knocked four times. The doors slowly slid open, and revealed a large entry room. Carl and Jojo stepped into the entry room.

On the walls, Jojo saw paintings of famous memes of the past. Surprised Pikachu, Hit or Miss girl, and several Nyan Cats.

Carl led Jojo to the stairs. Instead of going up, he turned to the door that lead to the closet under the stairs. He opened the door, and walked into the dark.

Jojo followed him into the small room. She saw that it wasn't a closet, or was in fact a stairwell leading down. Jojo and Carl climbed down into the darkness.

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