Go to Gulag

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Yes, Commie's literal catchphrase. Now he's yelling it as loud as he can to the conservative who climbed into his apartment with . Except Anarkiddy was hiding in the cupboard trying to hold quis laughter.

"You ducking gayass!" yelled Conservatism as he chased Commie around the apartment, waving his Bible at him. "reeeeeEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeEeE EEEE!"

Obviously, every ideology has it's reeeeeEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeEeEEEEE moments. Ancom types that so damn much that it appears on quis autocorrect.  Then again, Transhumanist could upload himself into quis computer and say whatever (it?) wants.

"Go to gulag! Go to gulag! Go to gulag!" Suddenly, the state heard Commie's yelling and sent Conservatism to gulag.

The secret police people filed out of Commie's apartment and left him alone. When he was sure they were gone, he pulled Anarkiddy out of the cupboard.

"Hey," whispered Commie. Ancom blushed. Quee was touching Commie's uhh.... nevermind, as he was working away on a very commie book. Because commies do that.

"Comrade, stop doing that. Westerners from another plane of existence laugh at us for being gay," muttered Commie under his breath, denying how hard he was getting.

"Hey..." retorted Ancom. "It's not gay if I'm non-binary!" Ancom chuckled.

"Да, but they are people-"


"From another-"




"Of existence."

Commie sighed with relief as he finished his sentence. "Also, if you're going to use a russian word say it in the cryllic alphabet please."

"What's even the difference?" asked Ancom, continuing to be butthurt on the internet using quis phone.

"The point is, people are watching from an alternate dimension. Who knows of they are watching us now. Who knows what they're like!"

"And who cares about their opinion? They couldn't affect us!" Ancom said.

Ancom was right. So Commie let quem do whatever quee wanted. Then again, even if everyone out there accepted them, quee'd still be doing some very weird shit.

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