Gulag I guess

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Cold. Cold and nothing but.

Commie did not know how long he had been there. He lost count. Every day was all the same.

He had Anarkiddy, and a bunch of loyal comrades gulaged for no reason thanks to his declining self-esteem. He managed to hate himself to the point that he was gulaging himself by the thousands. All his comrades either die or forget about him.

And then there was Conservatism. Sitting there smugly while every single one of his little principles of Christianity was being broken before his eyes. Then his ideology. Then him.

Nobody cared anymore. Nobody understood the nature of ideology. And the physical manifestations of almost every ideology was killed by the state or gulaged.

The state wasn't even a state anymore. Just a vague authoritarian entity. Even Posadism and Nazbol, which they let live, are dissipating into the thin air from which they came from. They were, after all, nothing but ideas, thoughts, that nobody was allowed to have anymore. He knew he was next. He knew quee was next.

Was the world meant to be like this? Since every point in history, the world has been advancing and advancing, at least after the time he was born.

Now, the world is nothing but stagnation and oppression. Everyone was either in gulag or a mindless follower. Commie wasn't a mindless follower. Commie was a revolutionary. His mind turned to Ancom. Did quee even exist anymore?

A hand landed softly on Commie's own. Quem. If only...

Quee was still smiling. They were both getting weaker by the day, but quee was still smiling.

Commie's face flushed red. Quickly, he tried to plunge himself into negative thoughts again. But he couldn't.

Suddenly, the cold was gone. The breeze was surprisingly pleasant. The coal he was habitually mining without thinking was suddenly easier. Everything's better with quem around.

The sun was shining for the first time in a while.

Without thinking, Commie blurted out, "I'm sorry."

Oh shit, he thought. He said something stupid. For the first time in a while, Ancom's face was indiscernible.

But before he said anything stupid, Ancom's lips stopped him.

And before they got into trouble with the gulag guards, someone yelled,

"Oh, shit! There's someone falling from the sky!"

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