Jreg the Glorious

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The pair sat for a moment. "We're the new fence-sitters?" Ancom asked, mildly fearful. Commie nodded. "It is all my fault. I thought my revolution was supposed to end in an authoritarian state that controls everything. It has been my dream for ages still, yet everything is gone."

Ancom smiled. "That's okay. Imagine, how much worse it would be if I had been implemented. Plus, it's OUR revolution! I'm to blame too!"

"Don't lose hope! I'm sure everything will be fine in the end!" Then Ancom gave an irresistible smile that caused Commie to kiss quem.

Just then, the spirit of Jreg the Glorious filled the room. Why do you fear? he asked. Though the Overton Window has expanded, you have not fallen out of favour with me.

Commie's eyes widened. "But why?"

Because you are me. Also, I ship it.

"But I thought you ship Authunity!"

I ship both.

"So you're a multishipper?"

No! To be a multishipper is centrist!

"But you just said you-" Look, my goals are beyond your understanding.

"What do you want from me!?"

Who do you love, Commie?

"I'm a fictional character! Everything is defined by the writer of this stupid fanfic!"

"Hey..." I muttered, but remembering that I made him say that.

Ancom had quis hands clasped around Commie's waist. Quee obviously likes him. UwU love me UwU, he nagged telepathically at Commie.

I wish you hadn't learnt that skill from the big gay wizard man, Commie snapped back, also telepathically. He stroked quis head gently. His anarkiddy.

Aww, how cute... Jreg observed. Shut up, atheists... muttered God.

"UwU, okay omnipresent being, OwO" replied Ancom, before Commie frantically shut quem up with his hands.

Our RevolutionNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ