
503 14 3

idk years ago lmao

Ripples radiated from the water as the leaf gently fell in the pond. The leaves of red, yellow and brown fell like rain, but slower.

Ancom strolled down the path made by the leaves. Quee walked slowly, ensuring that quee doesn't slip and fall. Hah, FALL. Get it?

Ancom was bored and quis mind inattentive. It was no surprise that a couple of steps later quee finally slipped and almost fell. That's when he hit someone.

"aAh! Comrade, what are you doing?" A distinct voice with a Russian accent yelled out. Quee had not noticed him at all! The red aura he emitted blended in with the yellow, orange and brown. He was hardly visible and a little hard.

Ancom blushed. "Aah, sorry. Didn't see you there. What are you doing out here?"

Commie glared at quem defensively. "What are you doing out here?"

Ancom shrugged. "Dunno, you?"

Commie laughed. "I thought I blended in with the leaves, and it was funny. You?"

"I was just bored and in need of the outside world and stuff." Quee replied.

"People are like that sometimes. Oh, I see weird green aura you have there. You're an ideology too?" Commie asked.

Ancom cast Commie a surprised look. "Others look at me, think I'm weird and ostracise me. You... You're pretty cool! I'm Ancom. I like equality. And I go by quee/quem pronouns by the way."

"I'm Commie. I like equality too! Nice to meet you. You don't look like you have read theory. Could I go through it with you?"

Ancom was slightly irritated. "Don't judge anyone by how they look! Also... What's theory?"

They both descended into laughter instantly. It took a couple minutes to subside. Then Ancom shifted awkwardly.

"But, seriously, what's theory?"

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