Define Personality Like Ideology

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Commie glanced at the fleeing ice skater. So that's their weakness? he thought. He remembered hearing that Finland was one of the most introverted countries. It was probably a stupid stereotype, but he could take advantage of that.

Quee glanced over his shoulder. "Russia's fruking full of istps. Flying. Tanks. EVERYWHERE." Commie glanced at quem. "somehow you have mind reading powers and even READ of that DISEASE called MBTI." Ancom chuckled. "I learnt mind reading from that old gay wizard guy that escaped from! Apparently he could use magic to do shAt. I didn't tell him he had oversized feet though."

You know he could've just read your mind to see what you've thought of him, right?  Commie thought as hard as he could in Ancom's direction. "Ohhhhh, that's why he recoiled shyly." Ancom replied. Commie rolled his eyes.

"Eh, actually what's the difference between Enneagram and MBTI?" Ancom thought aloud. Commie glared at him. "They're both fruking stupid." And I bet your enneagram type is OwO UwU OwO or something. Ugh!  Commie thought as he imagined Ancom's furry face.

Ancom snorted. Quee walked with a noticeable skip in quis steps, despite the freezing cold. "Hey, have you ever thought that personality is kinda like ideology? You can't put it on a graph, no matter how hard you try, although some get close."

Commie instantly thought of the 8values test. Four variables, and he could still imagine separate ideologies with pretty much the same stats. He twisted his mind harder.

Then a familiar song blasted through the loudspeakers of a flying tank. It was the anthem of the Soviet Union! Commie smiled widely as his comrades landed on the Finnish snow.

Then a UFO disguised as a meteor fell. "Greetings, Earthlings. We invite you to join our Communofederation of Planets. We have deemed you advanced enough, let us mutually share our knowledge!

Then the Finnish snipers appeared, trained on the Communists' positions.

Then weird American people Naruto-running everywhere.

"SHOULD WE TRUST OUR COMRADES?" yelled Commie over the noise.


Ingsoc loomed over them on a flying surveillance camera muttering in Newspeak. Something along the lines of "hello my fellow ideologies" but there was no word for 'idea' or 'ideologies' in Newspeak. Doubleplusgood!

"Lunatics, we all are," Commie whispered under his breath as he pulled Ancom into a cave for refuge as chaos ensued. "I don't think the world is real anymore."

"Hello!" a tesseract named Israelcube approached them. "Did you call me?"

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