Please Explain This Conversation

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The pair whooshed to the ground at high speed. Ancom's eyes were visibly blank, as if reminiscing something. Then shocked stupid as quee snapped back to reality.

"We're gonna die! AaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaAAaaaAAAAAAA!" yelled Ancom at the top of quis voice.

Quiet, your voice is shaking the heavens! complained God.  "Who's that?" muttered Ancom out loud.

"Oh, yeah, that's God, the nonexistent being that might have caused all this." answered Commie.

Quit thinking I'm nonexistent, atheist, complained God again. It hurts my feelings.

"Wait, what? We're hurting his feelings?" muttered Ancom again. "His with a capital H," Commie interjected.

"Wait, how do you even hear capitalisation?" Ancom asked skeptically. "Same way I hear what alphabet you're speaking in. Just hear." Commie replied.

"Yeah, but how are we hurting his-"

"His. His." interjected Commie.

"why are you correcting me?"

"that's His preferred pronouns or something"

"oh, lmao, no why are we hurting His feelings when He's some all-powerful deity or something?"

I was just joking. Now, could anyone please explain this conversation?

"Actually, I have no idea what this conversation is either lmao"

"Hey, have you noticed we're fa-"

The two of them landed with a thud. And God was omnipresent so He was already there.

"Well, shit. Where the heck are we?"

No swearing in my Christian Minecraft server! Wait, I mean, world.

"Well, great," muttered Ancom. "A clone of Conservatism. And I thought he didn't exist anymore."

I brought him back. He's doing my work now. And, I am NOT Conservatism.

"okay boomer" retorted Ancom. Commie laughed his ass off.

aight imma shut up now so good luck atheists- God said before going to do something else.

"well, I guess we're stranded in the icy forest. Thanks, God." Ancom remarked sarcastically. "At least it isn't an icy gulag." sighed Commie.

"Wait, it's unusually cold here, even for Russia. Maybe it's Finland?" Ancom suggested.


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