Hello there!

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Welcome to my private rp book!

I've been debating on making this book for a while, and now I've officially came around to make it! *confetti* yay!

Now, before I get to the tags, I have a message for curious passerby's who stumbled upon this:
Hello there! This is a private rp book I just started that only the people tagged can join...so, if you want to join one of my rps, please check out my other rp books or pm me. But even tho you can't rp in here, you're still allowed to read the rp chains! Just not allowed to jump in on them, tho.
Thank you.

Alright, now onto the tags!:
(Might add or change a few more tags later on, but this is it so far)

(I'm gonna post the rp pages tomorrow)

Have fun and seeya on the next rp page!

"ORLANDOOO!" | Private rpWhere stories live. Discover now