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(These aren't creative lol)

1. (Epithet Erased only scenario; platonic ships only) Zora has come back looking for the amulet, and has challenged Character A and Character B(who have it) in a duel. During the middle of the duel, Zora uses her epithet to transform Character B into a baby/little kid as a way to distract Character A and make it easier for her to get the amulet. Character A doesn't notice, and the duel continues. When the duel is over and Character A and Character B have won, Character A hears a crying noise from a heap of what appears to be Character B's clothes. Pulling the clothing back, they find Character B as a baby/kid. Character A immediately scoops them up and tries to comfort them, about to ask/demand Zora to make Character B normal, only for Zora to be gone. Welp, looks like Character A is going to have to babysit Character B...

2. Character/OC and OC/Character have both woke up as a little kids. They don't know how they're at this state, but it's up to their friends to look after them until there's a cure.

3. Character/OC hasn't heard from OC/Character in a while/keeps getting weird texts from OC/Character, causing Character/OC to be worried. They go over to OC's/Character's home, knocking on the front door.
"OC/Character? It's-"
Before Character/OC can finish their sentence, the door creaks open on its own. Character/OC gingerly steps inside, calling out 'hello's and 'are you home's until they get a response. Nothing. Character/OC is about to walk out the door and come back later, until smol steps are heard dashing down the steps. Something smol suddenly hugs OC's/Character's leg, wetting his pantleg with (what they assume is) tears, sniffling. Character/OC looks down, seeing a kid that looks like OC/Character. Character/OC is confused and doesn't know what to do, until the kid says Character's/OC's name between sobs. It's OC/Character, who's now a kid. Looks like Character/OC has to look after them now...great.
Alt.: OC/Character is actually happy, and happily says Character/OC's name instead of crying.

4. (Non-next gen Sanders sides only) after a intense fight with a dragonwitch, Side B comes home with a what he assumes is a grown Side A...only for it to be a baby/kid Side A. The dragonwitch must've done something to him...shoot. Welp, guess he has to take care of them now.

5. Make it up!

"ORLANDOOO!" | Private rpOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora