Punk x pastel

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(Punk/pastel au!)
(Heads up: my punk x pastel aus are like wss aus, but without death)

In the small town OC/Character and Character/OC live in, everything is normal...except everyone there is part of one of two gangs: the punks and the pastels. According to stereotypes, The punks are rough and tough people, while the pastels are the adorable and soft people. But that's not true and not the case with each member, and their personalities vary by member. However, the punk stereotypes and pastel stereotypes still stand for those who believe in it.

OC/Character is a newly joined pastel member who has recently moved to a new school, where they'll be mixed in with pastels and punks alike. OC/Character can't wait, since they didn't enjoy their old school that much and have hope that they're new school will be better. However, on the day where they start at the school, Their parents tell them to stay away from punks or befriend punks and that they're nothing but trouble before dropping them off and driving away. OC/Character is confused as to why, but quickly finds out why when they enter the school. Fake spikes, piercings, leather jackets, dark clothes, and tattoos on each punk.  However, OC/Character isn't really intimidated by the punks that walk by. They think that they look kinda cool. However, they have to follow their parents rul-
"-hey you!"
OC/Character is snapped out of their thoughts by looking over at a punk(Character/OC).
"Yeah. What are you standing around the hallway for?"
"I'm trying to find my class."
"Which one?"
"Which class?"
"I'm not going to tell you that, I can find it on my own."
And with that, OC/Character starts searching the hallways for their class, Character/OC calling out to them that if they believe in the punk stereotype, it doesn't exist. However, OC/Character ignores them and continues to try and find their class. When they do, they sit in their assigned seat, the punk from before's assigned seat right behind them. The punk tries to talk to OC/Character about earlier, but OC/Character doesn't listen or talk to them. It isn't until after class that the punk has to pin OC/Character against a wall so they can get a chance to speak.
A love hate friendship blooms afterwards.

Alt 1.
OC/Character didn't meet Character/OC in the hallway, but rather at lunch when OC/Character sat alone when no one would sit with them. Character/OC, a punk with a heart, sat with OC/Character, ignoring them. OC/Character notices and tries to talk to them, but they don't say anything. OC/Character keeps trying to talk to them until Character/OC eventually and actually caves in.

Additional scenarios:

1. Punk Character/OC protecting pastel OC/Character from fellow punks or pastels who believe in the punk stereotypes/pastel stereotypes.

2. Punk Character/OC and pastel OC/Character trying to hide their friendship/relationship from their fellow pastels/punks.

3. OC/Character's pastel friend group trying to get OC/Character away from punk Character/OC, with one pastel friend secretly encouraging them to go see Character/OC.

4. Punk Character/OC trying to confess their feelings to OC/Character, which is tough, since punk Character/OC isn't good with expressing feelings and OC/Character is a oblivious pastel.

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