~"I'm a little drunk."~

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(Takes place when SvS is done!)(any light side(including Virgil. Yes, I'll allow Anxceit, but just this one time) x Deceit ship, platonic or romantic!)

!TW!: Alcohol mentions, drunkenness, possible crying and swearing.
(Can be floofy or angst-ty)

A recent episode has finished, with the dilemma solved: Thomas will go to the wedding instead of the callback. Deceit, angry and annoyed that no one listened to him about lying to go to the callback, sunk down somewhere to take his mind off what just happened. None of the sides knew where Deceit sunk out, but besides him snapping at all of them, he seems that he'll be fine.

A few hours have passed, and no one knows where Deceit is. But they all assume that he's in his room or something like that.

Speaking of rooms,

Side B is currently in his room since the courtroom scenario/episode ended, chillaxing/working. However, his chillaxing/working keeps getting interrupted by a occasional thought on where Deceit is, which he swiftly shrugs off and continues chillaxing/working. But the peace from his work/chillaxing doesn't last long.
A booming voice says from the other side of Side B's door, causing Side B to jump a little bit at the sudden voice that...sounded like Deceit?
Side B gets up and curiously goes over to his door, opening it and seeing Deceit look a bit...off. By off, Side B means Deceit is stumbling in place and looks like he's either going to cry or give you a angry lecture.
"Side B!"
Deceit cries, roughly launching himself into Side B and making Side B fall onto the floor.
Deceit looks at Side B dead in the eyes, then either starts crying/yelling(depending on character interaction in SvS) at Side B about the callback that almost sounds like nonsense. Side B just lies there as Deceit cries/yells in Side B's face, confused as heck as why Deceit is acting like this. In response, Deceit inches closer to Side B, continuing to cry/yell. Side B, while confused, listens to Deceit closely, hearing slurred words and hiccups among the nonsense pouring out of his mouth. Wait. Stumbling in place, not acting like himself, slurred words, hiccups? It is then that Side B realizes that Deceit is drunk, and now Side B has to calm Deceit down and get him to bed before anything happens.

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