1. If Pride and Prejudice was a Wattpad's story... (Bennett's family)

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Bennett's family

The Bennett's family will be a medium-low class family that lifes a normal and modest life.

Mrs Bennet will be the sweet but talks too much kind of mum. The one you just DON'T want to introduce to your friends or boyfriend unless you are looking forward everyone knowing how you were when you were a 2 years old savage child. She will be the kind of mum who asks (like every week) if you have a boyfriend already.

Mr Bennet will be the caring but absent kind of dad. He would not spend much time at home since he has to work all day long to maintain his family. He will let his daughters be happy and do what they want. In general, he wouldn't pay much attention to  them.

Jane will be considered the "prodigy-without flaws" older daughter that always does everything right. At high school, she will be one of the most popular girls because she is just tooo awesome and nice to everybody. And, for sure, all the boys want to date her and has a tone of admirers but none of them suits her taste.
(The image is her moodboard)

Kitty will be the emo-pushed aside daughter. She will spend the day in her room listening to sad music and will be likely to have some depression issues.

Lydia will be the small little girl. She will admire her older sister sooo much that she definitely would try to be as popular as she is. 

If Pride and Prejudice was a Wattpad's storyWhere stories live. Discover now