9. If Pride and Prejudice was a Wattpad's story... (fight)

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Jane finds out what Caroline did to her, but it was already too late. She also discovers that all Caroline's friends, including Mr Darcy, knew about it but decided to let it sit. Even if some of them later apologized to her, the damage has been done.
When Jane told Lizzy about it, she just could not believe it. She could not believe that Mr Darcy was just faking being nice to her while seeing her sister suffering and not doing nothing about it.
What she did not know is that Mr Darcy did try to stop Caroline and he eventually told Bingley it was all a misunderstanding. But when Elizabeth showed in from of him and began to yell at him, she didn't give him the opportunity to explain himself.

If Pride and Prejudice was a Wattpad's storyWhere stories live. Discover now