I Love You To Much To Let You Go

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Kara walked closer to me and cupped my cheek and leaned in and kissed my cheek and when she pulls back she says.

"Untill your ready".

And then she leaves my office and flys off the balcony leaving me thinking.

"What do I do now?

Lena POV

That was 2 weeks ago and honestly I don't know what to do. My heart is telling me to track Kara down and kiss her stupid kryptonian face but my head keeps telling me I waited to long what if she already moved on. But all these thoughts come to a screeching halt when I see the skies start to turn red.

I look out the window just in time to see a gigantic tower rise out of National City's streets. I quickly pull my phone out to call Kara or Alex or whoever answers first but just as I hover my thumb over the call button Alex walks into my office in a obvious panic.

Alex walks up to my desk and says.

"Lena I know you trying to take your space with everything that happened with Kara identity but we need your help to get the people of national city of before the world is erased"

I look at her clearly confused and worried but say.

"What me and Kara are going through doesn't matter if the world is in danger and you need my help Im there".

I say standing up and walking around my desk then asking.

" What can I do to help".

Alex then explains that she needs my help making a larger size transmat portal to get the population of Earth-38 of world to Earth-1 so we go to my lab and make larger transmat portal.

(A/N to much science lingo in that scene no thank you😂😂😂😂)

Alex and I finally finished the portal and we are on our way to the ships when a strong earthquake hits knocking a pillar out place and just before it hits me Alex pulls me out the way and say.

"Be careful"

After that we help everybody we can on to the ships and into the portals and head to Earth-1.

Meanwhile Kara POV

The other heros and I just said goodbye to Oliver and all I think about is if my friends and family made it off of Earth-38 my inner thoughts are interrupted by Barry telling me that were on Earth-1 and that it's safe to leave the ship. I practically run to S.T.A.R labs to see if Alex ,Nia and Lena are there.

I just got to star labs and I see Alex and Nia and I called their names and they turn around and run to me we hug and I say.

"I glad your both saved I was worried"

And then I look around trying to find Lena and I don't see her so ask Alex and she says she didn't see her when you boarded.

"Alex I'll be back I'm gonna try to find Lena"

I say then I walk around trying to find her heartbeat I hear it and I almost cry tears of joy she's in a room by herself and I come in and stand at the door and say.


Lena POV

I look up at the sound of my name and their standing in the door like she was my own dreams coming true is Kara. I get up and jump in her arms crying saying.

"I thought I never see you again I'm sorry I took so long Kara I love you and I just wanna be with you please don't tell it too late"

Wrapping her arms around lena, Kara says.

"There is nothing this world that could change how I feel about you Lena I love with everything I am and I always will and I know I said I wouldn't but I lied I love you too much to let you go"

She says kissing me and making me feel like if the world ended in the moment it wouldn't matter because I had her to hold. In this moment she choose me and I finally choose her back.

(A/N sorry for the long wait been busy let me know how you feel about part 2 of I can love you enough to let you go

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