Chapter 8

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Chaeyoung's PoV

"What do you mean an error?" Mr. Jinyoung Park crossed his arm while tapping his foot impatiently.

"I know Mr. Park and I am embarrass at the situation I have now but please let us entertain you for a bit until we'll find a solution." I offered him he just looked at me with a stern face but he eventually soften as I did my puppy dog eyes.

He sighed "But hurry up, you have 25 minutes to prepare" He waved his hands off, we smiled at him.

"So what do we do?" Mina asked beside me only for me to hear.

"I don't know. . ." I looked at something, anything right now until I saw the special offer next to the counter.

"Oh of course!" Mina flinched at my sudden movement. I just giggled at her.

"Can you get the waiter to quickly prepare a reservation table?" Mina nodded and I went back to Mr. Park he was seating at a waiting chair.

"I can get you a Strawberry Charlotte cake and it's on the house" I smiled to him it he doesn't look convince.

"I really don't like strawberry" I gave him a surprise face.

"You don't? Well I insist! It's a favorite of mine, I am sure you'll like it as soon as it enters your mouth!" I said enthusiastically but he doesn't give in.

"Wait is that the College liberty logo?" Mina asked beside me, pointing to a golden swan key chain on Mr. Park ID.

"Keen eye and yes I specifically used to go to that school." He said proudly, Mina just gasped.

"Me too" Mr. Park widened his eyes.

"You do? I mean you've been to abroad?" Mina nodded, what the hell is that kind of question?

"I'm just quite surprise, I don't see an alumnu once in a while and I can't brought up a conversation about my school because I only knew a few people who use to had an history there." He smiled at Mina he then looked at me.

"I changed my mind about that cake" I smiled at him.

"I promised I won't let you down!" I bowed down and excuse myself to go to the pastries section and bought a slice, I just can't keep my mouth from watering but I pouted because it's not for me.

I bring the plate down to Mr. Park while having a conversation with Mina. Soon Mr. Park examine the cake, we all stared at him as he took a bite.

He stared at it for a while.

. . .

Then another.

Then another bite.

He likes it!

I smiled to myself.

"You have good taste" Mr. Park hummed softly as he finished his cake in less than an minute, I am so happy right now.

"I hope you enjoyed it." He nodded at me in approval, the waiter then went to Mr. Park.

"Sir you're reservation is now here, under the name of Jinyoung Park am I right?" Mr. Park then smiled and nodded.

"Well girls, I had fun but I have a meeting with my clients so thank you Ms. Son and Ms. Myoui." He smiled and patted our shoulders the waiter then led him to his table.

"Hope I'll be seeing you again!" He smiled at me.

I sighed in relief that I have been holding for a long time, Mina just chuckled at me.

"You were very good" Mina gave me a thumbs up.

"No way! I mean you somehow manage to convince Mr. Park to eat the cake!" She waved it off.

"I just talked to him"

"But you helped me out a lot even though you don't really have an experience by entertaining our special guest!" She blushed at the compliment.

"I've dealt with many costumers like this but it's the first time that I have received an error about the reservation, its a pretty big deal to me because a promise is a promise..." I trailed off.

"It's like you were in the right moment to come home here to Korea, wow it really is fate!" I said to her enthusiastically, she smiled shyly.

"I only wanted to help" Mina said to me, I looked at her.

"And thank you Ms. Myoui for helping me" I said to her genuinely, she smiled. I stared at her eyes, finding her orbs filled with happiness and love but it turned dark for a moment and broke eye contact with me.

Awkward silence took over us as Mina was staring down on the floor, I gulped shit! What am I doing?

"Who am I kidding of starving my other guest you must have come here to eat not to help me, c'mon let's get you to eat" I said to Mina and she just smiled.

I was driving my car home a bit early and went inside our house but I saw a man who is not a familiar face on my floor.

"Are you new here?" I asked the Man he flinched at me and smiled.

"Uhm yeah I just went to visit someone here but I have to go now" He quickly excused himself I just looked at him while he passed by, then he went to the elevator.

I opened our door and plopped myself to the couch.

"Oh Chaeyoung you're here." She said and went to seat beside me.

"Somi who was that?" I asked she looked at me confuse and then to panic.

"Who was what?" Somi asked, I looked at her suspiciously and shrugged.

"Oh okay nevermind, I'm going to shower" I stand up and stretch my limbs. She didn't even gave a kiss or even a little peck, I hope she's not mad at me.

Why is she very distant to me this days?

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