[2]: I See You

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[Elise's POV]

        He stood there, with his cold blue eyes rimmed in thick black lashes.  I rack my eyes over him, taking in the brown waves that was just long enough to hit his collar.  Appearing as if he, or someone, has spent the night running fingers through it.  I already knew the latter was the reason for the state of his hair.  After all, it had been months of the same cat and mouse game.  Me, staying up, sitting on the couch, watching the front window, waiting for him to come home.  Him, staying out, barely acknowledging my existence as stepped into our home, and reeking of cheap perfume.  I scanned his body, as if making sure it was not marred and damaged.  His clothing, an expensively cut, dark navy blue, designer suit that had looked freshly laundered when he had left, was now creased and wrinkled.  His white button up shirt, that had once held a crisp collar on it, now hanging limply.  Looking closer at the collar, I noticed a smear of foundation make-up, knowing it was not mine, as I never needed to use it.  I had always been meticulous to my own skin care, thus ensuring that I did not use foundation.

        I watched as his left eyebrow quirked up to his small widow's peak, and a smirk crossed his lush lips.  His 5 o'clock shadow had come in hours ago, giving him a rugged appearance.  I had always loved him with his facial hair slightly grown in.  The feel of it under my fingertips, or when he would nuzzle my neck where he had marked me, sometimes even lower.  It use to bring excitement, and then arousal.

         But those days were now gone.  And it hadn't always been like this between us.  There was a time where we couldn't be apart from each other long.  A time when there was only love between the two of us, not this barren wasteland of cold that we both lived in now.  I found myself reminiscing about those good times more often than not, those moments sustaining me in the bleak frozen tundra that our relationship had become.

        I remember the first time I had ever laid my hazel eyes on this beautiful, striking man before me.  It had been a little more than three years ago.  As a little girl, I had always thought I wanted to be part of the fast lane.  So I had been determined and bound to move from my little town of Goldendale, Oregon, to San Francisco.  Thinking I would find my fortune there.  Unfortunately, I hadn't realized how expensive it would be to live there, and the skills I had for employment didn't translate the income I needed to sustain myself.  Soon, I found myself further North, in an even smaller town, Willits.  And that was where I had been living for a few years, when my best friend from high school, Laura Reed, had called me and begging me to come visit her back in Goldendale.  After about a year of her begging, I had finally succumbed to her demands.

       As my car entered Goldendale, nostalgia had washed over me.  The town was as I had left it many years before, but changed at the same time.  New stores built here and there, some had taken over long gone businesses that I had frequented as a teen.  I turned off the main street, onto a street I had been down time and time again, until I pulled up to a small cottage painted in a pale yellow.  It's white wrap around porch held a bench swing.  I watched as the door, with its stained glass window, swung open and Laura rushing out to me.  He red blonde hair flowing away from her face, and her blue eyes filled with happiness. We had hugged, laughed, and told each other how much we missed one another.  She asked me then if I wanted to go eat at a local Italian restaurant, and I had agreed willingly.

        Leaving my car parked in front of her once parents, now her own house, we decided to walk to our destination. The restaurant was only a few blocks away, on the main street.  It had been then, while walking on the main street, that I had first laid eyes on him.  Laura was walking next to me, excitedly rambling on.

"Oh and then we can get the girls together.  You remember, Bonnie and Jessica right?"

"Yea I remember them.  How are they doing?"

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