Chapter 2

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Dipper's POV:
"Whatever you want I'll get you Mason." "Can I have a sleep over with my friends?" "Of course I'll get you guys pizza and chocolate and popcorn and you can use the movie theater!" "Ok!" I grabbed my phone and got a goupchat for all my friends.

Hey guys sleepover at my place!


I put on pjs and the doorbell rang. "I got it" I screamed. I ran the door and saw all my friends. Then I saw Bill. "Bill what are you doing here?" "Ford texted me and said that I could have a sleepover here with your friends and you. My parents made me come." I nodded and let him in. We went to the movie theater and started partying. "Paz!" "What dipshit." "You call me!" "Haha!" I started chasing Paz a over the place even on the roof. "Dipper the pizza is here" Grunkle Ford screamed from downstairs. "Ok who ever gets the pizza first gets the first bite." Everyone started running I stayed there watching. I saw Paz almost reach it. I teleported it to me. They looked at me glared. They shot a beam at me. I put I shield up. "Haha come on let's go watch a movie." They cheered and teleported or flew to me. We sat down. "Ok what to watch?" "Horror" Paz screamed. "Yea!" I smiled. "Ok." I put a scary movie on. Mabel day next to me Bill on the other side. "Ahhh" Mabel screamed. She started hugging me. "D-Dipper I'm scared can I sleep with you tonight?" "Of course Mabel." The movie was finished and Mabel passed out from being scared to much. I carried her bridal style while we walked to the a room where I have my sleepovers. I opened the door with magic and I was about to put Mabel in a bed when Grunkle Ford appeared. "Yes Grunkle Ford?" "Dipper I'll chose who your sleeping with." "O-Ok Grunkle Ford." Grunkle Ford have Mabel to Paz since they were sleeping together. "Mason you'll be sleeping with Bill." "But Grunkle Ford-no buts no go." I nodded and he left. "I guess the rest of you can chose who you'll sleep with." They nodded.  I got a pillow and they did the same. "Ok gossip" Paz said. "Gossip I'm in" Mabel screamed grabbing a pillow." "Ok so what happened at school when the speech was finished" I asked? "Ok so the students were talking about it and they were wondering how the Pines and the Ciphers met or how the Pines convince the Ciphers to let their only son to marry you" Wendy said. "What about the teachers?" "I asked Mrs.Gobbleson and apparently she thinks it's good that the two strongest families with finally unite she was wondering how strong your child might be if you do get one" Paz said. "I don't want a child I'm too young." Mabel grabbed my wrist. "Yes Mabel?" "Can we we talk outside?" I nodded and followed her. "Yes Mabel?" "What if you get forced to get a child." "I don't think Grunkle Stan or aunt Luisa would allow that." "But they would listen to Grunkle Ford and uncle Satan." "It's gonna be fine Mabel they won't force me." We continued with the sleepover. After awhile I fell asleep on the floor.
Bill's POV:
I saw Pinetree asleep on the floor. I picked him up and placed him on the floor. I sat down on my side of the bed. 'I don't hate him but I don't like him either' I thought. I laid down and went to sleep to tired to even think.
The Next Morning
Dipper's POV:
I woke up to a screech. I sit up and groaned. I saw everyone was looking at me. "What?" "You were hugging Bill in your sleep" Paz said trying to hold in her laughter. I checked the time. 6:00. "It's to early to even think about that." "We have to wake up and get ready for school." "Oh! My! God! I totally forgot about schoo." Mabel got out of the bathroom dressed but hair wet. "Next!" Robbie went in. I laid down again. "10 more minutes." Paz pulled me out of bed. "Really?" "Yea now go and shower." I yawned and grabbed my towel. Robbie got out and I went in.
Bill's POV:
I woke up to a thud. "Really?" "Yea now go shower." I opened my eyes and saw Pinetree yawned. 'Adorable!' I saw Mabel looking at me. I waved at her. She waved back. "Hey Mabel how old are you guys" I asked. "We're turning 18 in August,what about you?" "22." Everyone looked at me in shocked. Pinetree got out of the shower confused. "What happened" he asked. "Did you know that Bill was 22 years old" a red hair asked him. 'Ima call you red.' "Yea Grunkle Ford told me." "And he didn't tell me that-Mabel it's fine he's just 4 years older." Mabel glared at me. I took my towel and went to the shower.
Mabel's POV:
"Dipper he's way to old for you" I said starting an argument. "Mabel he's only 4 years older." "That too old!" "No it's not." "Why aren't you angry about this!?" "Because this is just another sacrifice I have to make for our family." "Getting married and mated is a commitment." He shrugged and left. 'I hate Bill!' That was the last thought I had in that room.
Time skip (two months)
Dipper's POV:
It's been two months with my argument with Mabel. We have everything ready for the wedding and even the date of the wedding the day after my birthday. My birthday is in a week meaning my wedding is in a week and a day. Right now I'm getting ready for school. Last day of senior year. I grabbed my bag and started running to school late again. I was wear boot heels skirt and a crop top. I tripped and someone caught me. "I'm so sorry I wasn't looking!" I looked up and saw Bill. "Pinetree a skirt really do you even have shorts under that?" I nodded. He chuckled. "Where are you off to in such a hurry." That's when I realized that I was late. "Ahh I forgot!" I started running. "Where are you going I can drive you." "Oh, right I'm going to school." He opened a door on a car it was the passenger seat. I climbed in and he started the engine. He drove me to my school and I climbed out. "Bye Bill have a nice day." "You too Pinetree now go you're late." I gasped and ran off.

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