Chapter 4

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The Next Morning
Mabel's POV:
I woke up with stirring next to me. I sit up and looked at my left. 'Paz.' I then remembered last night. I got out of bed and ran to my calendar. I crossed out the 24th of August. I showered and put on my usual sweater crop top and skirt with shorts under it. I ran to wake up Paz. She opened her eyes and stood up and went to the shower. I walked out of the room and heard screaming. It lead me to Dipper's room. I knocked. The screaming stopped and I heard things fall.
Dipper's POV:
I heard a knock on the door and started cleaning things up. I got my heels on my shoe shelf and I heard a thud. I looked behind me and saw Bill in the floor. "Get up and get dressed before I open the door." I saw him roll his eyes as I fixed my bed. I got to the door and looked around and saw everything perfect. I opened the door and saw Mabel. "Mabel what do you need?" "Dipper I heard some screaming are you guys fight?" I let Mabel in and we sat across from each other. "No we were just having a conversation about...things." "It didn't really seem like that Dipdop." "Don't worry Mabel we'll be fine" I said comforting her. "Ok but do you want to come to dinner with me?" "Nah I have a few things I want to clean in my room." She nodded and I walked her to the door. "Bye Mabel I'll be there in a few minutes ok." "Ok." With that she left. I sighed and sat down. "You make her too innocent Pinetree." I looked at Bill. "Well I don't want her to worry about me." "Yea right." I glared at Bill. He glared back. After a while I stood up and walked to the door. "Where are you going?" "I'm going to breakfast." I opened the door and walked out closing it behind me. 'Annoying Bill. I hate that he's gonna be my future husband. He was nice last night but that was only in front of our family. He's such a ahole.' I got to the dinning room and opened the door. Inside I was greeted to my family, my soon to be family, and my sister's girlfriend Paz. "Good morning Mason please sit" Grunkle Ford said. I sat at my usual spot and started eating. A few minutes later Bill came and was forced to sit next to me. I finished my food and looked at the time. "Ok I have to go guys" I said. "Where are you going" Grunkle Stan said. "I'm going out." "No can Mason we have a wedding to talk about like your vows and stuff like that." I looked at him questioning if he was serious. He was. "Ok then I'll cancel my plans but you can meet me at the living room. I grabbed my plate. "Mason leave it there the maids will get it." I looked at Grunkle Stan surprised. "But we usually put it in the sink ourselves." "I know but not today." I sighed and put it down. I started walking to the living room. I took out my phone and went to my group chat with all my friends and Mabel. I started typing.

Sorry guys I won't make it to the party.


Well I have to talk about the wedding next week

Tambry:OMG I can't believe that you're getting married next week.

Yea I wish I didn't get married until I got the family company.

Robbie:dang man I feel bad for you.

Haha anyway when is the party starting anyway?

Wendy:The party is gonna start at 5:30 but I wanted us to go out early to like get ice-cream or something.


Tambry:The party is gonna go on until 10pm.

Guys it's only 10am I think you should wait until 3:00 them get going.

Robbie:Good idea we'll do that maybe you'll be done by then.

Oh ok Mabel answer me this are they almost done?

Mabel:they are almost done


Paz:Dipper I have a question for you

Ok shoot.

Paz:do you like Bill?

What!! No!!

Mabel:Paz why would you ask that question also their done we're going to the living room right now.

Shot I got to go k bye you too Mabel,Paz


I heard the door open. I saw Mabel, Paz, my Grunkles, Mr and Mrs Cipher, and Bill. They all sat down and we started working on the vows and stuff.

Wendy's POV:
I heard my phone beeped. I checked who it was and it was Robbie.
Wendy I'm outside your house with Tambry and the gang hurry

Ok coming

I grabbed my jacket and screamed "dad I'm going now!" "Ok be careful sweetie." I hugged him and went out. We did our handshake and went to the pizza place. We went up at the counter. "3 pepperoni Pizzas please." After about and hour she came with three boxes. I payed and we head for Dipper's place. We got there and we pushed the Bell.
Dipper's POV:
I heard the bell go off. I looked at everyone. One of the maids came in with my friends. "Masters and Mistresses they are here for Master Dipper, Mistress Mabel, and Ms.Pacifica." Grunkle Ford looked at me. "Handle it Mason." "Ok Grunkle Ford." I walked to the door. I saw them. "Dipper come on" Wendy said. "Wendy I have to stay here we're not done." "Awww boo" they said. I glared. "Oh ok we'll go but the party will be so sick." "Hahaha ok tell me about it" I said. "Mason hurry!" "Coming Grunkle Ford!" "Ok guys I have to go now." We did our bye handshake and they left while I went back to the living room. I sat down and we continued.
Time Skip (The Evening)
Dipper's POV:
I looked at the time and saw that it was 6:00. 'Four more hours until the party ends.' "Ok good work guys we finished everything is set we'll have the wedding the day after your birthday" Grunkle Ford said standing up. Mother and Father went to their room. Mabel and Paz went to theirs. I stood up took my paper and started memorizing it. I went to my room and looked at the time again. '6:05. I can still go and teleport.' I got changed into something cool but female to wear. I saw Bill look at me. "Where are you going Pinetree?" "I'm going out bye." I teleported to the party address and entered. Everyone greeted me. I went to my friend group and we started partying hard now that I was there.
Bill's POV:
I saw Pinetree teleport. 'That brat!' I went to his couch and laid on my stomach. I found the remote and put the tv on. I put a movie on and teleported a bowl of popcorn and started watching.
Time Skip (10:30)
Dipper's POV:
I was drove back home scared to teleport because I drank a little bit. I walked into the house and saw Bill in a chair asleep. 'This guy.' I went up to him and made him float. I walked to my room stumbling a little. I got to my room and got him on the bed. I noticed that he was still in his day clothes. I snapped my fingers and he was in similar clothes from last night. Boxers and shorts that's it. 'I never understood why you sleep with not shirt.' I went to my closet and changed as well I went to my side of the bed and fell asleep not knowing that Bill was still awake.

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