Afterdeath-You're never alone (Fluff) 1/2

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Reaper's Point Of View.

I was casually walking through the dim litted streets,on my way home from a long day of work. I gently open the large door to my mansion,greeted with the creaking of the door. I walk in and shut the door behind me with my foot,moving over to my bedroom.

I stretched out my arms and shift my hood,flopping onto my bed. I shift my face out of my pillow and grab my phone. No new messages. Yaaaaay. Now..boredom. I yawn softly and lay face first in my pillow. I close my eyes and slowly give in to the blackness.

I was awaken the next day by my alarm clock,buzzing about beside me. I slowly sat up and rubbed my eyesockets,yawning. I scratch the rim of my eyesocket tiredly before getting up. I change out of my current clothes I was wearing and into something more comortable. I wear a cloak sooo. Nobody's gonna notice.

I eat some food before getting a alert. Work time ..

I groan and grab my scythe,leaving the house. It was another long day.


Sorry its extremely short. I promise to make part 2 long

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