Freshmare- Nuisance (fluff/Half Lemon)

750 20 13

Dom Nightmare
Sub Fresh


Fresh skated quickly through the streets,kick flipping through different portals continuously. He didn't bother to check which portal led where. Expected from him though.

He continued on his way,his golden necklace lightly clinking against his exposed chest. It was a very hot day in most of the AUs he went to so he unzipped his jacket. Since he wore no shirt today,it helped greatly.

He skitted to a stop quickly as he skated through a portal and ended up.. in a Forest? Strange. His portals were set to go straight to the sidewalk. And none of them had faltered so far.

Fresh slowly slid his headphones off , only to be greeted by a low eerie hum echoing through the dark and dense forest. Rain drizzled down,the sound of it almost fizzled out from the haunting hum. Though the tune was dark and disturbing,Fresh found himself draw to it,following the sound closer and closer.

Fresh continued walking untill he stepped on something liquidy but thick,making a squish noise. He glanced down where black goo stained his brightly colored shoe. He blinked and looked around before taking qnother step foreward. For a couple seconds it was calm and quiet for a moment before black tentacles lashed out and ensnared the poor parasite. Fresh squirmed and hissed,his eyelights flicking around spastically. His sunglasses were ripped off his face,a tentacle curling around his skull and forcing him to look foreward.

There it was. That icy cyan eye. The parasite glared into the eye,growling. Nightmare returned the growl,his tentacles tightening around Fresh. Fresh stiffened and shut his eyes tightly. The tentacle around Fresh's head pryed his eyesockets open.

The tentacles were glowing a soft blue,Nightmare's eye containing the same glow. Fresh blinked,staring back into the glowing eye. A sense of calmness rushed over him,causing his body to relax in the tentacles. His eyes felt heavy,very slowly drifting closed. Then everything went black.


Fresh sat up slowly,a yawn exiting his mouth. He rubbed his eyes drowzily before suddenly his eyesockets snapped open completely he jumped out of the soft bed,his mind focusing on where he was and what was going on.

He was in a moderate sized room,the curtains shut to keep any light from coming in. His clothes have been changed out too. They looked the same but there was no color. All of it was either gray or black. He ran over to the dresser and stared into the mirror above it. His hat color was faded,a crescent moon painted onto the front. His sunglasses were nowhere to be found. He blinked before backing up slowly. That wasn't right. That's impossible.

His soul. It was in a normal place,colored like the parasite he once was. And.. he had two normal eyelights. Both were a beautiful pink color that glowed in the darkness of the room.

What happened while he was asleep? He went over to the door and tugged on the handle. Locked. He glanced around and held his hands to his chest. His breath shook as light purple tears fell down his face,staining his cheeks.

A soft voice sounded from beside him in the shadows. "Do you not like it?". Fresh looked over to nightmare who was leaning back against the wall. He blinked before begginning to break down in tears he never thought he would've ever had the ability to shed.

Nightmare kept a calm gaze on Fresh,his hands in his pockets. Fresh suddenly ran over and hugged nightmare tightly. Nightmare jumped and blinked in confusion. "T-thank you,bro".

Nightmare hesitantly pat their back. Fresh buried his face against Nightmare causing Night to flinch once again. He. Didn't push Fresh off. Though,it was probably only because Fresh wasn't so disgustingly colorful anymore.

Nightmare sighed,shoving Fresh off him after a few moment and exiting the room. Fresh blinked and rubbed his eyes softly.

(Mother fucking fuk time *Lemon Warning*)

It's been a few months. And of course,Fresh wasn't aloud to be let go. It was quote on quote "Payment". Though,Fresh didn't complain. He had good food,a home,a body to call his,a luxery room,and his own personal maid. That clearly likes him- anyway.

Today was Monday. And one of the worst mondays of the year. Today was the beginning of Heat Season. Everyone was in pain except the maids. Lucky bitches.

Nightmare was having it fine. He was in of course a dominant heat which could be easily helped momentarily. Fresh however was suffering from Submissive heat. To even be satisfied momentarily,he would need to be fucked-

Fresh exited his room,letting out a soft whimper as he crossed his legs. He's been allowed free roam a bit ago so he could really just. Do whatever. But he couldn't leave the castle.

He glanced around,the sounds of panting and moaning echoing through the bedroom halls. Fresh shivered and huffed,making his way into the kitchen. He searched through the fridge for his food,clutching onto his clothes. He grabbed some random fruit and closed the fridge door. He was suddenly shoved against the counter,Horror holding him back. Drool dripped off his exposed tongue,his clothes ripped

Fresh yelped and shoved at Horror. The other didn't budge,his teeth clamping down onto fresh's neck. Fresh whimpered softly. A sudden whimper from Horror came out as he was thrown away from Fresh. Fresh was picked up and carried away,leaving him confused and even hotter.

Fresh yelped again as he was pinned down against the library carpet,the fire lit beside them. Nightmare climbed on top of him,holding him down. Fresh blinked and blushed lightly. They both needed this over with. Not like they had anyone else to do it with.

"You will not speak of this a-after,are we clear?" Nightmare growled out softly. Fresh nodded softly,looking away. Nightmare tore Fresh's shorts down,burying his face against Fresh's neck. Nightmare growled as he smelled the scent of horror from the bite. He bit down on top of the bite,causing small droplets of blood to seep out.

Fresh moaned softly,squirming. Nightmare tugged his own shorts down,his large member throbbing in need (*COUGH* CRINGE). Fresh blushed even harder,covering his face with sleeve.

"You're MY little nuissance.."


Once again,sorry it's short. If you want me to finish the lemon i'll do it I just, for rn I need to finish this list

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