The Meeting

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Amaimon's point of view

I could feel the hatred coming from sweet Rin like a child that likes candy. As I went to ask him what was wrong when were informed that we had to go with the exwires to the Vatican and suddenly the hatred I thought was lessening started to skyrocket yet he kept a blank face and we went to go meet them and as they looked at Rin still dazed he said" Let's go, I don't want to be stuck here forever with you people." 

That brought them out of their shock and they started walking. As we reached the Vatican Rin looked slightly calmer which means we need this meeting over quickly. We walked and sat down  and we were greeted by Shura and she looked at Rin to see a sign of remembrance when I told her that he knows her and is just trying to get the meeting over. 

After getting the Vatican to agree to the treaties between the worlds the exwires were surprised by  Rin's knowledge when Shura asked " Are you that eager to leave us and this world." His face hardened and he looked but there was that rage that I had seen earlier. I walked in between them and said " Rin is family and he belongs with those who deserve a worthy leader." That surprised them and then we got ready to leave when Rin told me he didn't want them following us and proceeded to draw out his wings and told me to hop on I did not wanting him enraged  any further and we left the air making me let out a breath of fresh air.

As he brought me to our makeshift home Michael noticed us and asked what was wrong. Rin let me down and flew to his room and I told Michael " I think he's upset because the whole day the was this hatred following him." Michael looked shocked and we went to Rin's room to see him asleep saying that he loves all his brothers.

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