Meeting Again

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Mephisto's point of view

I heard every word of their conversation and although I know he can handle himself I still feel the urge to warn him and I speed into someone and was about to fall when they grabbed me  and stood me upright. It was Rin who then said " I guess you can't help but to fall for me." I started blushing profusely as he grabbed my hand and led me to the dance floor. He put one hand on my shoulder and the other still holding my hand. He dipped me slowly and brought me back up. He then shouted " Bring your dancing partners to the floor."

I asked " Can we have somewhere private to talk?" He agreed and took me to his room to talk. I told him about Yukio and Shiemi's conversation and was waiting for him to get angry when he suddenly laughed and I was confused until he said " Even If I was weak I'd have you to protect me but I'm glad that you decided to tell me because I knew they were untrustworthy and I just hope the treaty doesn't break because of their ignorance." My heart skipped a beat when he said he believes I'd protect him.

Rin's point of view 

After I said that I went back to where the dance was occurring and told them to settle down. I then said " Those who don't know me I'm Rin the future ruler of Gehenna and in order to live peacefully I need anyone who has a problem with me to come and address it otherwise we'll continue to be like this."

Yukio and Shiemi spoke " What makes you think we have to listen to you?" I replied " As the future ruler whenever you have problems and need help you'll have to come to me but if I don't like you there might not be any help and it'll be your fault so do you want that?" They were all silent so I said this day is over and I'm glad that some many demons and humans are getting along, Although we have a long way to go this is the right way, Good night."

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