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By the judges lunahmed and MooonYagami !

First place:

Will You Love Me?, LadyArwenEvenStar

" Fast. That was the word that popped in my mind first when I read the first chapter where the events seemed to occur fast. But then the pace seemed enough appropriate on reading further. And my god! I loved Rey here a lot; the character of her of someone so kind at heart and equally understanding and compassionate. Even if the plot came out rags to riches cliche, but by the end of third chapter, my fingers were truly itching to just tap to the next chapter ( which I will later, mind you). Well written and beautifully placed words bringing out the events properly and sharing Rey's thoughts along with it is a ride one must take. Keep going writing like this. "


The Perks of Being a Wallcrawler, Geekator

" So yeah your story runs so smooth and you have this fascinating writing style, I'm impressed. Grammar, vocab everything is perfect. Creativity is to be expected from all authors. Both chapter length and character development are satisfying. Okay your blurb mentioned Peter winning over spidey but considering  the few chapters I read, spidey is dragging Peter around at its pace, I don't know how the story proceeds afterwards. At any rate, the story is cool. Writers guide the emotions of their readers. Befriending after breaking up, still having feelings for your ex or trying to to hook them up with another person is a bit hard on the readers though. "

Second place:

Both got the same scores!

Into My Heart An air That Kills, MarinaM56

" So honey your story is very well written. Horror is flawlessly portrayed and tragedy is to be expected. Needless to say i just had to read the ending or i couldn't go on. Okay some sentences are strenuously long. I myself write like that but i didn't really realize it before. Thanks for the tip. Moving on you could have managed your chapter length better i'm sorry for being so stingy. But this is the first time i've felt so sad judging a plpt by first three chapters only. The main critical point of your story would have been how her genuinely motherly feelings changed when she saw him as a potential partner grown up and all. I am very much interested how you described the transition between platonic love and romantic. It can happen, it does happen but explaining the depth of emotions in black and white is no ordinary stunt to pull. And when you described the almighty stalker, well it's exaggerated to a poetic extent but okay we'll see how the story plays out. Thank you for your hardwork. "


Ripper: An Indoraptor Story, ElijahCole11

" The writer has this exceptionally beautiful way of portraying a wide spectrum of emotions. Vocabulary, grammar, character development, everything has been taken care of well. The story flows streamline and blurb is relevant. Chapters end abruptly though. Whose side do we take after feeling all kinds of pain. The readers are left wondering? If you write a fan fiction of characters like Balto or Remy's dogs where an extreme of hardships is faced to stay true to their loyalty to humans, i think you'll create wonders. Being selfish for your own survival is nothing new. Novelty makes the writer stand out. Anyway, thank you for your hardwork. I enjoyed reading your story. "

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