Chapter 15: "Overprotected"

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Gia cried out in ecstasy as Evan rocked inside of her

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Gia cried out in ecstasy as Evan rocked inside of her. His throbbing manhood stretching her in ways Robert had never, reaching parts of her she didn't know needed to be touched.

"Gia." He groaned her name against her neck, his hands gripping tightly to her hip bones, holding her in place.

She clenched around him at the sound of his voice saying her name but cried out from the pain of his grasp. She wrestled with his wrist, hoping to move it.

"I'm sorry," he whispered realizing his mistake.

He groaned again, letting go and pushing himself up in a plank position above her. She grabbed his face as he thrust deeper inside her once, twice, spinning his hips to maximize the sensation. She felt herself clench again her upper body lifting from the mattress; her head falling backwards. He placed an arm around her now, holding her still in the levitative position.

"Evan." She gasped, feeling as if she was lifting out of her own body.

He continued to pump inside of her, dragging his fingers gently and slowly down her center and stopping at the sensitive spot between her legs. He teased her mouth open with a kiss and she began sobbing into his mouth of pure desire, begging him to continue what he had just started.

"Are you ready," he laughed, he lips soft against her own.

"I'm ready," she cried out. "Oh God, I'm ready."

He nipped her gently, teasing.

"But that means you want it to be over," he smiled, pressing in and out of her. "I don't want it to be over."

Gia sobbed again, delirious and not knowing how he wanted her to respond. He tortured her a few moments longer before diving his tongue deep into her mouth. At the same time, he pressed her pleasure area, swirling along with the rhythm of his tongue. He only needed to thrust twice more completely before she felt herself fall over the edge. Her eyes rolled back into her head as she cried out his name, delirious. She felt him clench and shudder above her and his arm disappeared from around her.

Falling. She was falling.

Gia fell backwards into the soft Egyptian sheets, spent but fulfilled. Evan jumped from the bed, unrolling the used condom from his privates and disposing of it in a nearby trash bin. He dug around the floor, Gia saw her underwear and a single sock go flying, before he stood up holding a pack of cigarettes retrieved from his jean pocket.

Evan proudly stood nude at the end of the bed, placing the cigarette between his teeth and lighting it, his gaze not straying from Gia's bare breasts. Gia pulled the sheet above her chest, suddenly feeling shy and Evan smiled, exhaling toward the ceiling before turning the cigarette toward her.

Gia wasn't a smoker, though she had rebelled in high school every once in awhile. Deciding to indulge the vice for the evening, she took the offering from Evan and pulled herself a long drag of nicotine.

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