Girls, Girls, Girls

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"hello" I greeted answering the phone "Hey Piper, is El there" Mike sounded from the other side making me snort "Obviously, give me a second" I retorted "Eleven, phone for you" I called handing her the receiver as she bounded out of her room. Returning to my book as she spoke quickly and quietly to her boyfriend. "Do you think Mike hates me?" Eleven asked as she slowly hung up the phone and collapsed at my side. "It's alright not to spend every second of every day together El." I shrugged throwing my arm around her shoulders "He said his Nana is sick and he doesn't know when he'll be able to come over again. But then his mom was on the other end and sounded like she had no idea Nana was sick" she explained making me sigh "Boys are stupid. If he's doing something he'll think you'll get mad about he'll lie to cover it up." I explained having dealt with boys enough to know by now. "Friends don't lie" she exclaimed making me sigh "Friends don't El, but BOYfriends do. One time Billy told me he had a cold because he had gotten into a really bad fight and was bruised and cut up" I paused to make sure she was paying attention "He didn't want me to worry or get upset so he tried to hide it" I shrugged "How did you find out" she asked quietly making me smile "He lasted 2 days before he came over. He still looked terrible and told me the truth. Boys are stupid and they mean well but it doesn't always work out the best" I squeezed her shoulder "He really likes you El. Just give him time to figure out whatever is going on" I murmured a smile breaking onto my face as I thought of what we could do today. "Come on. Let's go get Max and go to the mall" I grinned excitedly pulling her up to her feet and dragging her out the front door. "Hopper said no busy places" Eleven reminded as we walked through the trees and onto the road, my skateboard tucked under my arm as we walked towards town. "It'll be fine El. Max and I will be there and I know Steve is working today so he'll be close by too" I promised looping my free arm through hers as we went silent enjoying the peaceful morning air.

"Hey Max" I greeted hugging the girl tightly as Eleven stood slightly off to the side. "Hey Piper, Eleven" she greeted hugging me back and waving at Eleven. The two girls had gotten better but Eleven still wasn't sure how to act around Max even though her and Lucas had been off and on since Snowball. "We're heading to the mall, want to come?" Eleven offered up, a smile breaking onto my face since she took the initiative to invite the redhead. "I didn't think you were supposed to go to the mall" the redhead commented looking between us with a small frown. "I'll be with her and what Hopper doesn't know won't hurt him" I grinned, both girls answering with smiles of their own. "Okay, I'm in" she laughed running to grab her bike, walking it back over to the road. "Today is a day for us to just be girls. We're going to run around town causing trouble and having fun" I grinned dropping my skateboard to the ground and laughing as El carefully balanced on the front handlebars of Max's new bike. "Let's go" she squealed as we all took off screaming and giggling along the way. I slowed to a stop at the bike rack and before Max locked her bike lock wrapped it around the wheels of my skateboard to keep it secured. "Alright, first things first. When your boyfriend is a dick retail therapy becomes your best friend" I grinned leading them into the mall arm in arm a happy feeling floating through my chest at the smile that grew on Eleven's face. "This is amazing" she gasped rushing to the center and looking all around. "Where to first?" I asked looking between the two knowing Max would probably be the one to answer. "Gap, Eleven needs to find clothes for HER not Hopper and Mike's hand me downs" Max cried already tugging us towards the entrance to the fashion store. "Hey now, some of those hand me downs are mine" I pouted since the shorts Eleven was currently wearing was a pair of my own before puberty hit. "She needs her OWN clothes Piper." Max laughed already pulling shirts, shorts and dresses off the racks. "Come on" I grinned dragging El after the redhead stopping and grabbing anything that stood out that I liked.

"Okay, okay. I need a break and coffee" I gasped holding my stomach that ached from laughing so hard. "Do you guys want smoothies or ice cream?" I asked as we headed for the food court our bags divided up between the three of us. "Ice cream" they said in unison bursting into another fit of giggles as I rolled my eyes and walked them into Scoops Ahoy. "two Strawberry and vanilla two scoops" I ordered knowing it was Max's favorite and Eleven liked pretty much everything sweet. "Are you supposed to be here?" Steve asked staring at Eleven as he handed her one of the cones. The girls didn't reply just giggled and walked out to find us a table. "God you're such a loser Harrington" I snickered as Robin Buckley walked out of the breakroom. "See ya Robin" I waved before turning on my heel and walking out giggling quietly to myself as I ordered a coffee and then joined the girls. "Well, look who we have here" a familiar voice called getting our attention "Oh, Billy hey." I greeted looking up to see the man standing before us with a small smile on his face "Can I talk to you?" he asked quietly as I slid out of the booth behind Eleven and Max, the girls giggling quietly since I had told them all about him ditching me lately. "I'm actually kind of busy right now" I shrugged gesturing to the two girls who were holding most of our shopping bags "Maybe tomorrow" I added stretching on my tiptoes to kiss his cheek before the three of us walked by him my coffee going up to my lips to try and hide the frown from turning him down. "Pipsqueak please? Five minutes" he called following after us my attention going from him to the noise of three boys, two of which who were in deep shit as their girlfriends finally noticed them. "Do you know what I would have given for just five minutes with you these past few weeks?" I questioned turning to face him, my frown completely visible now, I felt defeated and like I wanted to give up. "You've done everything in your power to avoid spending any time with me it started off as needing to be home, then it turned into working every day and every night. I have plans for once so I guess we've both let each other down" I snapped spinning around on my heel and walking over just as El dumped Mike and Max looked at Lucas with a shrug and a nod and followed her over to her bike. "Be glad I'm in love with you and much more mature than that." I stated pointing out Mike's downcast face and Lucas' confused one to Billy before I jogged over to Eleven and Max and followed them away from the mall and the group of boys sitting out front.

Forever - Billy Hargrove StoryWhere stories live. Discover now