Epilogue Part 2

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**5 Years Later**

I suppose you'd probably like to know about Billy and I since I've already updated you on everyone else. Billy has been the owner of his own mechanic shop for three years now, the man finding happiness in getting his hands dirty working on cars. And the fact that being the only mechanic shop IN Hawkins city limits he receives all the customers and has money to spare spoiling Max, Eleven and I whenever he gets the chance. He still babies his blue Camaro from high school and sometimes late at night when the girls are sleeping we'll sneak outside and ride around too fast with the music too loud. Both of us having grown up much too fast and enjoying the bit of freedom and teenage attitude it gave us to do so. I was currently working in a management position at a lingerie shop as well as doing the bookkeeping for Billy's shop. Both jobs keeping me busy on top of the kids and keeping Billy in line. We still lived in the house he bought just out of high school, we married 3 years ago out in the clearing where Hopper, El and I used to live in the old cabin. We had considered waiting until the girls had graduated and moved out to get married but were much too impatient to make it official and ended up with a simple and sweet ceremony joined by our family and friends. The destroyed cabin had been removed and now there was a memorial for Hopper, Bob and the other lives lost during the three years of interdimensional hell. Now that everything was over and done we were able to grieve for the lives appropriately. We both occasionally wake up with nightmares of our time fighting the creatures from the Upside Down but now it was very few and very far between which we were both grateful for. We were reminded of what we had lost and what we had gained every time either of us caught sight of the scarring on my midsection and legs. We had talked about kids but decided to wait until after El and Max moved out, neither of us rushing to be parents at the age of 22. It worked for Jonathon and Nancy but after raising teenagers for the last few years we were both ready to have us time before we started raising more kids.

Dear Piper,

If you're reading this it means something happened and I'm no longer around to watch over you. I feel obligated to tell you I've rewritten this letter dozens of times since you stumbled into my life drunk a few years ago. At first all I saw was this annoying kid drinking underage, and then you sobered up and I saw this strong and incredible girl who needed someone to lean on and look out for her. You did a pretty good job for yourself, staying out of trouble and never giving me a reason to step in. When Will went missing I knew deep down that was all about to change. I could see it in your eyes that you would do whatever you could to save that little boy even if it meant losing your own life in the process. It wasn't when you went looking for the monster or when you demanded that you had a plan to draw the monster out. It was when you stumbled into the hospital looking for me, asking me to arrest Harrington for being stupid with a chunk of your stomach missing and a cut in your hand. I was terrified and when the doctor pulled you away I was afraid that was it. That I'd never see you again but you pulled through. Proving to me that you were stronger than I ever thought possible. I was proud of you.

When Billy came around I was worried about you hanging out with him. I had seen the kid around town, saw how he treated everyone and I was worried. Then I found out you had told him where the spare key was and I about blew a gasket knowing you had given him that kind of access to you. Too many things were going on I didn't have a chance to talk to you about it and it turned out I didn't need to. The night everything went down, he proved himself to everyone, including me. He jumped into the crazy train wreck of our lives with both feet and a smirk on his face all for you. The way he looked at you, standing there hurt and shaky in the driveway at the Byers told me everything I needed to know about him. He was willing to stand by you no matter what and that was good enough for me. I didn't have to be as worried about you anymore, there was a second person looking out for you, keeping you safe.

Asking you to move in was one of the scariest moments of my life, I had struggled raising one teenage girl and now I was inviting another in. One who had been so dependent for so long and had learned how to survive on her own. It turned in to one of the best decisions I had ever made. It changed from wanting to protect you and keep an eye on you to loving you. After losing Sam I didn't think I'd have the chance to be a father again but you and Eleven gave me that chance. You girls are my daughters and I couldn't ask for any better daughters than you. You didn't hesitate to begin treating Eleven like she was truly your sister and for that I was grateful. When I was late or not around at all you stepped up and took care of her, embracing the role of big sister to the fullest.

I know you're wondering why I would rewrite this so many times. I felt like every time we faced a new horror it brought to life even more that I wanted to tell you but didn't know how. The newest horror was by far the hardest and most difficult one to get through, watching you cry over a boy. I never thought I would have to watch my daughter cry over some dumbass kid, especially not the daughter who pretended to be so strong and sure of everything. I went to his house, yes I knew about it by the end of that night, I was going to kick his ass maybe even arrest him just because I could. Hell, shooting him had crossed my mind, I was the Chief of Police I could get away with it. He changed my mind. When I got there and he explained to me what was happening I realized while he may have gone about it the wrong way he had every good intention behind why he was acting the way he was. I don't know how much he'll tell you so I won't spoil too much but he had busted his ass getting that house perfect for you. FOR YOU. Not for him, he did it all with you in mind, wanting to give you somewhere you could spend the rest of your life happy. Someone like that is what every father wants for his daughter. A man who works hard and is dedicated to everything he does in an effort to keep his woman happy and safe.

I have one request with this whole living together thing. Obviously I won't be around to see weddings or grandkids, but put the nursery in the spare bedroom closest to the master bedroom. I spent that night helping him patch and paint the walls and left a little piece of me behind knowing one day I wouldn't be around and he would be protecting you and taking care of you. I knew it was just a matter of time before he asked you to marry him, not only because he asked me for my blessing because I had been him once. So in love with a woman that I couldn't think of anything but her and a future together. He makes you happy, so allow yourself to be happy.

When I met you I was in a dark place, a place where I didn't give a shit about anything but getting through the day and getting drunk that night. You gave me a purpose, to protect and support. You gave me more in a dark time than any man could ask and for that I'm forever grateful. I didn't say it often, and I sure didn't say it in the best way but you knew. You always knew. I love you kid. More than anything else.


Your over protective, pig headed, protective Chief of Police

Your father,

Jim Hopper.

P.S. Don't die Kid.

"Hey baby, you okay?" Billy asked walking into the bedroom having walked Nancy, Jonathon and Steve out. "Yeah" I whispered wiping my cheeks free of tears as he wrapped me in his arms and looked at the well-read letter in my hands. "I miss him." I admitted feeling the tears begin falling again. "I know Pipsqueak. But he's here and here" he whispered pointing first to my heart and then to the house around us. "I know. I'm just extra emotional with it being the anniversary of his death" I shrugged resting my head back against his chest. "Let me help you relax" he smirked into the skin nipping lightly making me giggle quietly. "Give it your best shot" I teased spinning and pressing our lips together roughly. 8 years ago my entire world got flipped upside down, I had fought things no other group of people would ever believe. I lost loved ones, and gained loved ones. I was happy, and everything in Hawkins was exactly as it should be.

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