One Big Dysfunctional Family

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"Hey El" I greeted the girl walking into the spare room at the Byers that she had claimed the last few months to see her sitting on the floor a piece of paper clutched into her hand. "What do you have there?" I asked nudging my head towards the paper "A letter from Hopper" she sniffled "Joyce said you have one too" she informed making me heart stutter not sure I'd be able to read it without support. "Can you come outside? There's something I want to talk to everyone about" I smirked shaking off the news and letting her walk out first, watching as she immediately latched onto Mike. "Piper and Billy wanted to talk to you guys about something" Joyce announced loudly getting the attention of everyone who had gathered to help with last minute packing and loading of vehicles. "So you guys know that Billy and I were going to head to California in a couple days" I paused playing with the new rings on my finger nervously still trying to wrap my head around everything that had happened "But we decided to stay in Hawkins and" I was cut off by cheering and screaming of excitement "I bought a place just outside of town with some extra bedrooms and bathrooms." Billy informed looking to me uncertainly "And we talked to Joyce and Susan" I bit my lip nervously as El and Max both looked wide eyed and uncertain "If you guys want, we'd love for you both to live with us" I finished watching as jaws dropped throughout the room before two very excited girlish squeals sounded and we were being hugged by the brunette and redhead. "Are you serious?" Max asked staring up at Billy who groaned and slowly nodded his head "You're lucky she's great with you shit birds" he commented the comment receiving an excited reaction from the boys and more hugs. "Can we go see it?" El asked excitedly as everyone finally pulled away from the hugs "Of course, Joyce offered to help us unpack your things before they leave El." I nodded ushering everyone out of the house for the last time and into vehicles.

"This is perfect Piper" Joyce whispered wrapping her arm around my shoulder as everyone else ran inside to look through the house. "He's perfect" I murmured back fiddling with the ring on my finger "He asked me to marry him" I informed squeaking as she hugged me tightly "Oh I'm so happy for you Piper" she murmured pulling back as everyone walked out and we began to unload Eleven's things pausing briefly to have lunch before we finished up. "Hey Bubba, what are you doing out here all alone?" I questioned joining Will on the porch that wrapped around the house. "Just thinking" he whispered face buried his knees, turning and curling into my side as I sat down next to him. "About?" I prodded gently rubbing his back as he sniffled "I don't want to leave without you" he whispered my heart breaking and my eyes filling with tears at his admission "I know Will, and I hate that you're leaving to but this is what your mom thinks is best for you guys" I sighed pressing my lips to the crown of his head. "I hate that she's making us move away" he cried his tears soaking my shirt as they fell down his cheeks. "Hey sweetheart, don't cry" I whispered running my fingers through Will's hair as I chewed on my lip to keep my own tears at bay "You know you can call whenever and I'll answer. And if you need me I'll be there as soon as I can" I promised kissing his forehead before Jonathon stepped out onto the porch. "I wondered where you two ran off to" he smiled slightly pulling us both to our feet. "I'm going to miss you" I whispered clutching Jonathon tightly, Will keeping his grip on my waist, as Joyce walked out followed by the others. "I'm sorry we grew apart" he sighed hand rubbing my lower back lightly "Hey, it's alright. You're still my big brother and you better visit and call" I grumbled squeezing tightly once again before stepping back and kneeling in front of Will with a smile. "Anytime you need me call. I don't care what time of day it is" I whispered pulling him into a final hug before I stood up and stepped back into Billy's arms giving the others the opportunity to say goodbye.

"Hopper wanted me to give this to you if anything happened to him. I gave Eleven hers earlier, I didn't know how you were going to handle it so I waited till everyone would be leaving." Joyce whispered holding out a sealed envelope for me to take. "Thank you, for everything you've done for me" I whispered hugging the woman tightly "No. Thank you Piper for being the best daughter and big sister my family could have" she returned pulling back with a smile. We all stood and watched as the family of three loaded up into the moving truck and the car pulling out of the driveway and disappearing from our sight for the time being. "Mike and I should probably head home" Nancy commented discreetly wiping her cheeks and wrapping an arm around her brother who didn't bother to hide his tears. "Could you drop Dustin and I off on your way Nance?" Lucas asked hugging Max to his body "Of course, let you guys get settled and get Max's stuff moved" she smiled at Billy and I before ushering the three boys away with waves. "So let's go get Max's stuff and then you guys can set up your rooms?" I suggested grinning at both girls who excitedly clambered into the backseat of the Camaro. "Maybe you were right" Billy murmured pressing his lips to my temple "Baby, I know I was right" I tossed back bumping him with my hip and joining the girls in the car as he locked up and made his way down to us. "Alright Max, we're going to have to do this in shifts since we only have the trunk" Billy informed making me flinch slightly "I actually called in a favor" I whispered as we pulled up outside the house to see Powel and Callahan standing outside beside the cruiser and Hopper's truck. "Baby" he sighed reaching over and squeezing my knee before I climbed out and met the two deputy's at the vehicle. "How you holding up Piper" Powell questioned hands shoved deep in his pockets. "As well as I can" I shrugged laying my hand on the door of the familiar truck. "The detailing is on the house Kid. And if you ever need us, you know where to find us" Callahan murmured passing me the keys before they turned around, got into the cruiser and left.

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