Reunited and it Feels Alright

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"Billy?" I questioned quietly watching as the man stepped forward with Hopper, Joyce and a man I didn't know. "I went looking for him. No one was answering anywhere else, I got worried" Hopper informed stepping towards Eleven and pulling her off the floor and into a tight hug as I walked up to the blonde who had his hands shoved deep into his pockets looking at the floor. "He said you might be in trouble." He admitted "and after last year any time" he took a deep breath finally looking up "I can't lose you" he finished staring me down "You should go home" I whispered taking a half step back and crossing my arms over my chest not sure how to react to the man being here "I'm not leaving you. I can help keep you, Max and Will safe" he growled lowly the determination in his eyes making my heart skip a beat. "I'm scared" I admitted as he pushed my chin up with two fingers, bending down and growling low in his throat. "Who the hell did this to you?" he asked fingers tracing where I knew the bruises were like a flashing neon sign against my pale skin. "It's the Mind Flayer, it's back but much more powerful than last time." I whispered hoarsely rolling my eyes towards the ceiling to fight back tears "It's stronger and taking over everyone in town" I explained crossing my arms back over my chest "El saved me" I whispered looking over to where Hopper was cradling the girl to his chest. "You keep this shit up you'll get sick of spending time with me cause I'll chain your ass to me" he grunted pulling me in for a tight hug, the emotions finally overwhelming me as I slumped against him letting the tears silently roll down my cheeks. "it's okay baby. We'll get through this" he murmured pressing his lips to my temple as he wiped my cheeks dry and then led us over to the rest of the group. I remained silent as Murray explained how to close the gate and what role everyone had to play in making sure it was closed and the Mind Flayer was killed.

"Are you sure splitting us up like this is a good idea?" I asked Hopper as Steve, Robin, Dustin and Erica headed for the radio tower Dustin had set up when he got home, it would theoretically reach into the basement of the mall. "We need to get you kids out of here. As soon as we get near that gate it's going to know and come looking" he sighed wrapping his arms around me tightly. "I need to know you and Eleven are someplace safe. Away from here" he continued quietly rubbing my back lightly "Be careful" I mumbled pulling away from him and looking up to see him already looking down at me. "Take care of your sister" he whispered rubbing my cheek "I will. I love you Hop. You're the best dad ever" I sniffled hugging him tightly once more "I love you too Kid, now get out of here" he ordered pulling away and giving me a gentle shove towards Billy; Nancy, Jonathon, Eleven, Mike, Will, Lucas and Max all outside waiting in the cars. I sniffled back my tears lifting my chin and straightening my back as we ushered the kids into the vehicles to leave only for neither vehicle to start. "Shit" I whispered seeing a shadow standing across the parking lot. "It already knows we're here" I mumbled scrambling to get out of the Camaro rushing the kids back inside the mall to come up with a new plan. "New plan, everybody hide." Billy ordered giving my hand a tight squeeze before he ushered Lucas and Max behind one of the food stands. "Come on you two." I tugged Mike and Eleven after me leaving Nancy and Jonathon to watch after Will. "What do we do if it finds us?" Lucas crackled over Mike's radio "Run like hell" I replied before Mike could get a word in. "That's our only chance against this thing until Hopper and Joyce close the gate" Nancy sounded from Will's radio. "How long do we have to wait here?" Mike asked quietly looking around Eleven to me. "Till it finds us and we run somewhere else" I shrugged not having a better answer for the kid. "I wish I could tell you everything will be fine, but after the last two years we all know something is going to happen before the night ends" I admitted looking down as Eleven laced our fingers together. "But we're together" she whispered offering a small smile to both of us "Yeah, together" Mike agreed before we went silent, the ground shaking letting us know it was only a matter of time.

I held my breath as the glass above us shattered, the giant black otherworldly creature stepping through searching for more victims. I gripped Eleven's hand tightly as she squeaked quietly in fear, Mike's hand sliding over her mouth to prevent any other noises from escaping. I didn't have to look to see that it was inching closer and closer to us. Looking for an escape route I saw Lucas and Max grabbing a bunch of rocks, the boy using his wrist rocket to gather the attention of the monster giving us the opportunity to run. "Go, get to GAP" I prodded shoving the kids in front of me not daring to look back to see if we had been spotted or not sliding behind a clothes stand once we reached the clothing store. Our luck didn't last long as it seemed the creature had a sixth sense for Eleven the thundering steps growing closer and closer the longer we sat. "Mike, get to the back exit" I ordered waiting for the two kids to be in the doorway before I ran after them, our brief luck not lasting long as we came face to face with Donnie. "Get her out of here Mike" I ordered stepping in front of the kids ready to fight to give them a chance at escaping. None of us had a chance to move before Donnie was tossing Mike to the side the kid slumping to the floor before he turned on Eleven and I. The young girl was still to weak to use her powers so I shoved the boy back not ready for him to lunge right back slamming me back first into the wall. I couldn't even scream out as his forearm pressed tightly against my throat cutting off my oxygen until I was weakly crumpling to the ground not able to do anything except watch as he dragged Eleven away. Gasping to try and regain the ability to breath I crawled over to Mike and helped him up to his feet knowing we needed to hurry up or Eleven and everyone we knew would be in huge trouble. "We have to hurry" Mike groaned both of us stumbling back into the mall hearing the popping and explosion of fireworks "Go find Nancy" I nodded shoving him towards the escalators, the creature being distracted by the brightly colored fireworks being thrown at it. I swear to god my heart stopped as I rounded the corner to see Billy going hand to hand with Donnie over Eleven's unmoving body.

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