Never Surrender, Never Forget

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"BILLY!" I screamed out in fear as the man put himself between the Mind Flayer and Eleven, the man controlled by the Mind Flayer now unconscious off to the side thanks to the fighting ability of the blonde. I had a gut feeling something bad was about to happen and took off at a dead sprint hoping I could get to Billy before the Mind Flayer did anything to him. "Piper stay up here!" Jonathon shouted over the explosion of the fireworks they were using to keep the Mind Flayer at bay. Sliding down the piece separating the escalators I hit the ground running diving for Billy and knocking him out of the way at the last second both of us landing on the floor beside Eleven and scurrying behind the partial wall to take some refuge as the monster began to screech and growl until it collapsed with a thunderous noise. Now that the beast was dead the mall was scarily silent, until the sounds of explosions and sirens grew closer. "Never fucking do that again" I gasped laying between Billy and Eleven, both of whom had been trying to fight off the Mind Flayer and almost been stabbed and killed by the monster at some point and time in the night "Piper" Eleven gasped sitting up and pressing her hand to my thigh pulling it away to reveal blood "I'm fine Eleven. It's barely a scratch" I laughed pulling her into a tight hug, Billy wrapping his arms around both of us, expanding his hug as Max slid over to us. "Oh my god, I thought it got you" the redhead broke off into tears her face pressed tightly into my chest. "You guys know these things can't kill me" I smirked leaning back into Billy as military men, firefighters and EMT's began running into the mall and spreading out. "Hey Harrington, your Calvary finally showed up" I called hearing the boys laughter from somewhere above us. "About damn time too" Billy sighed helping the three of us to our feet and outside to an ambulance.

"Do you need a medic dear?" a kind old woman asked once she patched up Eleven's leg better than any of us could. "No ma'am" I whispered arms crossed tightly over my chest as I waited for Joyce and Hopper to get out of the mall. "Come here" Billy whispered tugging me by the belt loop into his arms, my own slowly unraveling and wrapping tightly around his waist. "We have a lot to talk about Pipsqueak." He sighed chin resting on the top of my head as I burrowed my face into his chest inhaling the familiar smell of the man taking comfort in having him with me. "Mom!" Will and Jonathon suddenly shouted making me shove Billy back to see who was exiting the mall my heart thundering in my chest. "No" I whispered seeing Joyce and Murray walking out accompanied by military men, the woman pulling Will and Jonathon into her arms before she broke down. "No, no, no, no" I cried feeling like I was choking and stumbling closer to the woman who simply shook her head and continued to cry. "Hopper?" Eleven asked quietly coming to my side looking between Joyce and I "He didn't" I couldn't finish my words as tears came pouring out my eyes and I sank to the pavement my body not able to keep me on my feet. She joined me seconds later and we sat on the ground crying our eyes out until Billy walked over and pulled us to our feet. "Let's go home" Billy whispered making my heart clench uncomfortably at the fact that not only did I lose the man I thought of as a father I also lost the home we shared. "We can't" I sniffled wiping my face just for more tears to replace the ones wiped away."The Flayer destroyed it" Eleven whispered as we were ushered into the Camaro with Max who immediately pulled us into hugs. "Then you guys can stay with Max and I." Billy offered knowing Susan wouldn't turn the two girls away once she learned what had happened.

I felt like I was in a dream as Billy and Max ushered us into the house both Neil and Susan getting to their feet. "What happened?" Susan asked quickly pulling Max forward and looking her over carefully. "Can I talk to you in the kitchen" Billy sighed gently pushing me towards Max before he followed his dad and step mom out of the room. "The mall exploded" Billy was explaining softly to the adults in the other room as Eleven and I sat huddled on the couch with Max. "Hopper didn't make it, they need somewhere to stay for tonight" he finished softly, the adults both silent as the news settled in on them. "Of course they can stay here tonight." Susan whispered followed by clanging "I'll get them some food before you head to bed" she added softly "Thank you" Billy murmured quietly before he came back into the living room and pulled me onto his lap. I couldn't help it, as soon as his arms were around me the tears were falling again soaking the top of his tank top as I stifled my sobs and tried not to shake in his arms. "It's going to be alright baby. We'll get through this" he whispered hand running up and down my back as Susan walked in with bowls of soup for all of us. "Eat something shortcake" Billy ordered lowly turning me in his arms so I could grab the bowl and begin eating. It was just a simple chicken noodle soup but right now it hit the spot. "Thank you Susan. For dinner and allowing us to stay here" I thanked, my voice croaky as I sniffled back more tears. "Of course Piper, if you need anything else please let me know" she whispered back before she disappeared leaving the four of us alone in the front room. It wasn't long before Max was taking the empty bowls into the kitchen and then coming back pulling Eleven to her feet. "I can borrow you some pajamas. Goodnight Piper, night Billy" the redhead whispered hugging us both before moving to allow Eleven the same opportunity "I'll see you in the morning" I whispered hugging her tightly before she disappeared down the hall. "Wanna go for a drive?" Billy asked quietly getting to his feet and coming back with his jacket for me. "Sure" I nodded not knowing what he wanted but being able to tell it meant a lot to him.

I slipped the jacket on my arms and then followed him out of the house and to the Camaro sliding in and immediately finding his hand again. "Where are we going?" I asked curiously as we headed out of town cutting off on a gravel road and following it a short distance through the trees. "Whose house is this?" I asked before he could answer the previous question "Just wait" he smirked waiting for me to meet him at the front of the Camaro before leading me up onto the porch. "Billy?" I was confused as he pulled out a key and unlocked the door stepping out of the way for me to enter first. "This is why I've been so busy, when I wasn't working I was here. Fixing this place up" he whispered arms wrapping around me from behind "I wanted it to be perfect before I brought you here." He continued softly the sudden removal of his arms making me turn around to see him lowering himself to one knee. "Oh my god" I gasped not sure what else to say as he pulled out a black velvet box popping it open to reveal a beautiful diamond encrusted ring. "I've had this in my pocket with me everywhere I've gone for the last three months." He began softly looking up at me as my tears started again "The only other person who knew was Hopper." He admitted my heart stuttering at the man's name "He gave me his blessing, he helped me fix up one of the rooms. Will, Lucas and Mike helped with the kitchen" He kept talking a smile slowly slipping onto his face "I've known since our first conversation that you were special. You were like no one I'd ever met before and you mean the world to me. We've been through hell and we've come back stronger. I wish it had happened differently than this but Piper Hopper will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?" he asked pulling the ring out and holding it up "Yes Billy. Of course I'll marry you" I cried letting him slide it on my finger before I ducked and pressed our lips together. "I'd love to celebrate and christen the bedroom but I think we need to be with Eleven and Max tonight" he sighed getting back to his feet. "I think you're right" I agreed softly staring down at the ring now adorning my finger as he led us back outside locking the door before we climbed back into the Camaro and returned to town to get some sleep. Between the fear, sadness and excitement of the day it wasn't long after we laid down that my eyes fluttered shut and I fell asleep. The first dreamless night in a long time.

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