Bonus Chapter ~ Meeting Jim Hopper

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Groaning I stumbled my way out of the house party still in full swing behind me a bottle of tequila dangling perilously in my fingers. Smirking at the couple making out in the grass I wandered away from the house towards my own home having walked there with the intent of getting drunk. I hated parties with a passion, but getting drunk and high was the only thing that kept me sane anymore. At least when I wasn't spending time with Jonathon and Will but I could also only impose so often. "Oh fuck" I mumbled tripping on something laying in the road not coherent enough to catch myself before my hands and knees hit the pavement the bottle rolling a few feet away before it stopped. "Fine you win gravity" I sighed grabbing the bottle inwardly cheering at not having spilled any before crawling off to the side of the road. I sat on my butt and pulled out my pack of smokes needing to sober up at least a little if I was going to make it home tonight. I had just lit a cigarette when headlights shined on me, my hand not holding the cigarette going up to cover my eyes, the bottle right in front of my face reminding me that I was thirsty. Taking a long drink from the bottle I put the cigarette between my lips and watched as the vehicle slowed to a stop in front of me. "Shit" I groaned eyes locking on the Hawkins Police Department sticker on the side of the truck that only belonged to one man. "What's your name kid?" Jim Hopper, the Police Chief questioned hands on his hips as he stood above me "Piper" I sighed breathing a cloud of smoke into the air and taking another drink from the bottle at my hip. "Alright give me that" he ordered grabbing the bottle from my fingers and dumping it out, I sadly watched the liquid soak into the ground. "Get up. I'm bringing you home" he growled reaching out to steady me as I stumbled to my feet almost falling and face planting on the pavement. "Jesus Christ" he grumbled under his breath escorting me around to the passenger seat before climbing in and driving towards town. With directions we soon pulled up outside my house and I fell out of the truck crawling up the steps and using the doorjamb to pull myself up. "Where are your parents?" Hopper asked as I clumsily unlocked the door and stepped inside.

"Chicago" I grumbled feeling around for the light switch cringing as light flooded the entry way "When will they be back?" he asked removing his hat and looking around the house with confusion obvious on his face. "Uh never" I shrugged not sure what kind of answer he was looking for as I moved for the kitchen tripping on a loose shoe and hitting the floor with a crash. I groaned and rolled over opting to lay exactly where I had fallen as opposed to trying to get all the way upstairs. "What do you mean never?" he asked walking further into the house his boot steps sounding in the kitchen and living room before he was back in front of the door. "They moved out a year or so ago now" I explained my words slurring together as I began to grow tired "You in school?" he asked next making me snort "Yeah" I couldn't help but giggle "Tomorrow is going to suck" I admitted knowing I would be miserable sitting through classes in the morning. "Jesus Christ kid" he groaned scrubbing a hand down his face "Get shit for school tomorrow. You're coming and staying with me" he demanded hefting me up off the floor and sending me towards the stairs. I was too tired to argue so I carefully made my way upstairs and shoved some clothes in a bag before sliding on my butt back down to the entry way. "Come on Piper. Let's get you out of here and to bed" he sighed hitting the lights and ushering me out with an arm around my shoulder. "Where's the key?" he asked the small key being passed into his hand before I made my way to the truck climbing into the passenger seat and letting my head fall against the window. "You alright kid?" he asked quietly as we pulled up to a nice looking trailer "Sure, I'm great" I chirped plastering a smile on my face as I followed him inside slipping my shoes off at the door and setting my bag by the couch. "Yeah right" he sighed hands on his hips "Bathroom is through there. My bedroom is just over there. If you need me holler" he paused staring at me, my drunkenness not letting me look away. "Whenever you wanna talk just let me know" he whispered before he closed himself into his room and I laid down on the couch. Pulling the blanket off the back and over myself I finally let the usual pre-sleep tears fall until I drifted to sleep.

I barely withheld a groan as I woke flashes of Chief Hopper bringing me to his house filtering through my head as I became more coherent. Looking around the door to his bedroom was still closed and finding the clock in the kitchen revealed it was just about 7 o'clock so I still had an hour before I had to leave for school. Sighing heavily I threw my legs over the side of the couch and stood grabbing my bag on my way to the bathroom. I quickly changed into fresh clothes before brushing my teeth twice and throwing my long tangled hair up into a messy bun. Giving myself a once over in the mirror there wasn't much else I could do, the bags under my eyes growing darker with each night that passed. Without my makeup there was no hiding them and unfortunately I was rocking the smudged day old eyeshadow and eyeliner which I suppose could look worse. With a deep breath I left the bathroom being greeted by the smell of coffee and sizzling bacon, Hopper stepping in from outside in his uniform. "Surprised to see you up" he commented gesturing to two steaming cups of coffee and two full plates of food. "I still need to graduate, so party all night and get shit done during the day" I shrugged digging into the food with gusto. "How do you get groceries, clothes or necessities?" he questioned waiting for me to swallow my mouthful before I answered "Mail money every two to three weeks" I shrugged having come to terms with how my life now was a long time ago. "You never called Social Services?" he asked making me snort out a laugh "I like it here Hopper. My friends are here, if I ever really need help I go to Joyce Byers. There's a reason they moved to Chicago without me." I sighed cleaning off my plate "I didn't want to go and they didn't care enough about me to stay or make me go" I added lowly standing up to put the dirty dishes in the sink before I trudged over to my backpack and picked it up. "I gotta get to school" I commented going quiet as I thought over everything that had happened in the last twenty four hours. "Thanks for everything Hopper. I appreciate you taking care of me last night. And for breakfast" I added nodding my head towards the sink of dishes "No problem kid" he nodded pausing his eating to look up at me. "If you ever need anything, call the station. Find me. Stop by here." He listed off "If you ever need my help you got it. Just stay out of trouble and don't let me pick you up again" he finished giving me a small smirk before I left the house with a wave starting the walk to school.

"Hey! I stopped by to pick you up this morning and you weren't home" my best friend Jonathon Byers called as I stepped in the door. "Sorry, I got picked up by Chief Hopper last night and forgot to call" I apologized stuffing my bag in my locker and pulling out my books before I turned to face the taller boy. "Drinking?" he asked lowly making me smirk "If I wouldn't have tripped on the side of the road it wouldn't have happened" I shrugged walking through the halls with him to get to first hour. "You know my mom said you could move in" he reminded making me sigh heavily "There's only three bedrooms and no offense but sharing with you or Will every night sounds terrible for all of us" I shook my head slowly taking my seat beside him. "I know, but we could always figure something out." He prodded making me lean over and hug him "I appreciate the offer Jonathon but right now I'm fine on my own" I assured sitting back up straight as more people began to filter in. "So Hopper picked you up? How was that?" he asked casually making me groan "It wasn't awful. He was nice, said if I ever needed help to let him know." I shrugged not having expected such kindness from the man who seemed to terrify everyone in town. "Let me crash on his couch and made me breakfast" I added calmly knowing he would lose his mind that I had spent the night at the man's house. "Piper you should have had him drop you off at our place" he reprimanded making me sigh "I was tired and very drunk, like I said he was incredibly nice. I don't think he's as bad as everyone around town makes him sound" I sent him a comforting smile until he finally dropped his shoulders with a sigh "Fine, but you probably shouldn't make it a habit" he grumbled both of us going silent as the teacher began to lecture. I wouldn't try to make it a habit but something about knowing the older male was willing to help made my heart stutter in my chest since the only other adult who had ever cared about me had two other kids of her own to worry about.

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