chapter 10 (tell me the truth)

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Grace smiles as she gets in the car with Harry. as he drives humming along to one of the songs on the radio she can't help but smile at him

"what?" he asks as the music his a guitar solo

"i just find it cute how you sing along to any song that comes on the radio" she says smiling at him "if you start singing anaconda though i'm jumping out of this moving car"

he laughs and smiles at her. she loves that smile he has. it means the world to her. she'd do anything to see that smile of his. he parks behind the gym and she looks at him a bit confused

"like we need more paps noticing us" Harry says

she nods her head and he gets out. he walks over to her side and opens the door for her helping her out. she blushes.

"i can get out myself Haz" she says softly blushing

"so what i want to be a gentleman" he says smiling

she laughs and they both walk hand in hand into the private Gym. she notices many men with punching bags and running on tredmils and just plain look like bad news. a few give her a glance before looking at her ass. Harry pulls her close.

"just ignore them sweetheart" he whispers in her ear "and if any of them touch you just come and get me"

she nods and he goes into the fighting ring to punch the two gloves his trainer is holding up. Harry throws many punches. she in a way loves how strong he looks. it seems interesting to her. she turns and walks over to the water stand to grab herself some water and some for Harry for when he's done. a man walks over to her. she looks at him and hands him one of the bottles of water to be polite

"thanks babe" he says

she grabs her water and then sits on the table to watch Harry more. the man sits beside of her

"i'm Blake." he says

"i'm Grace" she says shaking his hand softly

"so did you come here to watch guys fighting or did you come with somebody?" he asks

"i came to watch Harry" she says pointing to Harry in the ring

he nods and watches with her. he looks at her every now and then. noticing her bite her bottom lip every time Harry threw a good punch

"so you and Harry are dating?" he asks

she looks at him and bites her bottom lip

"no we're just good friends" she lies

he nods his head and wraps his arm around her shoulders. she doesn't feel comfortable being neer him.

"Harry's a great fighter. sucks that he gave up fights for music" he says "great to know he's back to defend his title"

"title?" she asks

"oh he didn't tell you?" the guy asks smirking "harry's the strongest person here. he won the last 17 fights he was in"

"17?" Grace asks a bit suprised "he doesn't really seem like the fighting type to me"

"well the big fight is in three days" he says "harry's fighting somebody barely in his weight class. he's gonna get mawled"

she looks over at Harry as he trains in the ring. his eyes catch her worried ones and he looks at Blake. she slides away from Blake and walks to the ring as Harry holds the bottom rope up so she can slide in. she gets up with his help and she hands him some water from her bottle.

"no thanks" he says looking over at Blake with angry eyes "did he hurt you?"

"no" she says hesitantly "b-but he did give me an ear full of you"

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