chapter 13 (i couldn't have)

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 Harry smiles as he wakes up with Grace cuddled to his chest. god last night was amazing. he wonders if she means it when she says she loves him. or if it was just her in the moment. she wakes up and her eyes almost in seconds find Harry's Green eyes. she slides away from him sitting up and getting dressed.

"what's wrong babe?" he asks

"Liam's going to think i was raped" she mumbles sliding on her dress

Harry sighs and zips her back up for her kissing her shoulder. she gets away from him quickly sliding on her heels and bracelets. along with her ring and earings. she looks at him and looks down at her heels

"what's wrong love?" he asks getting up and sliding on his boxers before walking over to her.

he notices her looking at his bruises and then at the scratches on his back from her own doing.

"Harry i-i'm sorry" she says

he looks at her a bit worried and also confused

"about what princess?" he asks going to rest his hands on her waist

she slides away from him and looks at him

"Harry last night i-i was a bit drunk i think. i didn't mean what i said about the whole love thing" she says

he feels his heart break at the words. he nods weakly and she walks out of the room and out to her car. she gets in her car and drives to her and Liam's house. she gets inside and Liam looks at her worried sick about her. he runs to her and hugs her

"where the hell were you?" he asks

she looks at hmi and smiles fakely. she needs to pretend she's fine.

"i just umm got caught up in the moment last night. had some run with a friend of mine" she admits

it's not a lie right? i mean she and Harry are sort of friends... friends that fuck eachother.. but still friends!

Grace smiles at Liam and she walks to her room and grabs some clothes and walks to the shower. as she takes a shower she lets the water run down her cold body. she can still feel pain from last night. she can't help but feel her heart flutter from how amazing it was with Harry. she loves him. no matter how much she fights it. she just has to stay away from him. that was the last time she's ever going to touch him again. no more falling. she steps out and dries off putting her redish hair in a messy bun. she really loves her hair. dark red at the top that gets lighter as it reaches her tips. she slides on a velvet colored shirt and white jeans. her sneakers matching her shirt. she puts on her glasses and looks at herself in the mirror. how does any person love her. she limps into the living room and tries to act normal. Liam looks at her

"dang must have been a close friend!" he says "not like you to just give yourself to somebody you meet at a party"

"i've known him a while and we were both drunk" she partially lies "so to change the subject when are we going on this vacation to the cabin?"

"tomorrow" Liam says "a few more people than last time but no worries we'll all still have a lot of fun"

last time they went to the cabin she had her first kiss with Niall. she was the only girl there and they were playing spin the bottle. just her, Liam, Louis, Zayn, and Niall. as soon as they played one round she was done with it. she can't help but laugh at the memory. she nods her head and goes to the freezer to grab some ice cream. time to get back to her old routine

Harry sighs as he looks at his phone. wishing he'd get a text from Grace. he and Sarah aren't together. he wouldn't want to be together with her. he is only giving her money for the kid she's having and trying to get custedy of him or her. she's still deciding if she's going to give up the baby or not. he screwed up so bad with her. he sighs and thinks of the past night with Grace. how she kissed him. how she was so close to him. how he- shit he didn't use protection. his heart races a bit. he grabs his phone almost dropping it. he quickly dialls Grace's number. it goes to voicemail. he stands up and paces back and fourth. he's in his house now so at least he can freak out without anybody worrying about him. he turns and of course his sister is there.

"Gemma now's not the time" Harry says walking to the home phone line

"what's wrong?" she asks biting down on the cookie her mum made days earlier

"Grace my end up having my kid" Harry says

Gemma almost cholks on the piece of cookie as he listens to the phone ring. she finally answers after 5 rings

"hello?" she asks

"Grace please don't hang up" Harry begs

"umm sorry you have the wrong number" she lies

she hangs up and Harry sighs setting the phone down. he grips the empty soda can in his hand and throws it against the wall

"she won't fucking listen!" Harry says with anger

Gemma walks over to him and hugs him

"Harry me and mum are really worried about you" Gemma says "you already are going to be a father to one child. if you and Grace have one as well you are going to have yet another kid to take care of"

"Gemma i already know i fucked up" he says

"language" Harry's mum says as she walks in. "take my car keys. i know you need to go talk to her"

Harry shakes his head

"Liam invited me on their camping trip tomorrow at some cabin by a lake. i'll just have to tell her then. i mean how is she gonna get away from me when we're miles away from the neerest house" Harry says

"just be careful little bro" Gemma says

he nods and goes upstairs to pack. the rest of the day all he can think of is Grace. imaging what it would even be like to be with her and have a daughter or son. just the thought sounds like a dream come true.

Grace sighs as she looks at her phone expecting more from Harry.  Liam left to the store so she's all alone. she thinks for a minute about last night. remembering how he held her and carried her into the bedroom. and how he stripped her down and-shit. she dialls his number and he picks up after 3 rings

"hello?" he asks

"Harry get your ass over here" she says "and get a few pregnancy tests as well"

Harry jumps out of his room and runs downstairs. he grabs his mum's keys


"be careful!" his mum shouts

he runs out the door and goes to the pharmacy buying two tests. women give him strange looks and he can't help but laugh

"my girlfriend wanted them ladies" he says smirking

a few girls find him intimidating so they leave.  he buys the tests and gets to her and Liam's house. she pulls him inside and he shuts the door shut with his foot handing her the two tests

"how the hell did you forget to use protection?!?!" she asks pissed at him

"oh yeah like it's my fault!" he says mad already "HELLO YOU WERE THE ONE WHO LET ME FUCK YOU!"



"MANWHORE!" she states

"SLUT!" he says right back

"i hate you" she says

he pushes her against a wall. his lips smashing into hers. she pputs a hand in his hair to deepen the kiss. he moans against her mouth picking her up. he carries her to her room and sits down on the bed letting her straddle his lap. his hands stay on her ass. he slides one hand into her shirt unhooking her bra. she slides off her shirt and he gets her bra off. she smiles as she slides off his shirt and his bare chest goes against hers as he lays her down. he kicks his and her shoes onto the floor and unzips her jeans. he slides her jeans off and she slides his off. he grabs a condom he had in his wallet and she smiles at him.he slides off his boxers and he slides it on and she smirks as she kisses him one last time

"good thing Liam's supposed to be gone for 6 hours" she breaths against his mouth

Harry can't help but let a smirk form on his face as he lays her down.

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