chapter 23 (for you) (Wedding and ending)

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Grace smiles as she wakes up in Harry's arms. it's a year after they got back together. Harry and her are living together about a mile from niall's house. today's the day of their wedding. Grace runs to the guest room and starts to get ready for the wedding. Harry's sister and mum help her as she gets the dress on and some make up

"i'm really getting married" she says softly "it's really happening"

"you're a beautiful bride love" Gemma says smiling wide

Grace does a small turn and smiles. she feels like cinderella. Niall walks in and smiles at her walking over to her and handing her a blue necklace.

"awe thanks Ni" she says softly putting it around her neck "something new and something blue!*

Niall chuckles and hugs her being careful not to crush her ruffles. he smiles at her and pecks her lips

"i wish you were mine" he admits

she nods softly and hugs him

"we're friends forever though right?" she asks

he hugs her back tightly

"always princess" he says smiling as they pull apart "and you look so much like one today"

he smiles handing her one white rose. she blushes as he walks out of the room and she walks to her flowers and puts it in the middle looking at the white that stands out. she picks up her flowers and carries them with her outside. Anne helps her as they get to the park. she goes to Liam and hugs him. he hugs back and smiles

"ready love?" he asks softly

she nods and he walks her down the aisle as Gemma and Anne take their seats. Harry smiles as he stands at the end of the aisle. Niall's his best man. Darcy runs ahead of Grace throwing flower petails on her way. she jumps into Niall's arms and he holds her as Grace gets to the end of the aisle and is handed over to Harry. he helps her as she goes up the two steps and stands infront of him. as it gets time to say their vows Harry knows exactly what he wants to say.

"Grace when we first met i figured it'd be a horrible date and we'd never speak again" Harry admits "but you stuck with me. i didn't want to fall for you yet i did. and now we have Darcy together and i have a wonderful son whom we're raising together. every single second with you is a new adventure. and i'm so excited to start this adventure with you. we've gone through alot. i mean you and Ni being together and me and Mindy. but  i know without any doubt that you're the one i'm meant to be with"

everyone awes and she tries not to let tears fall from joy. she clears her throat

"Harry when we first met i figured you were some Jerk and we'd last a day and you'd hurt me. i'll be honest you did hurt my before, but we're here. i'm marrying the love of my life and i have his daughter and help him with his son. i love you so much baby." she says softly "and i'm having your second baby. which is incredible and i'm so lucky. i love you baby"

his jaw drops a tiny bit. she knew he'd be surprised to find out they both are having baby number 2 together. they slide on the rings and then they are pronounced husband and wife. she jumps into his arms as he kisses her hard. his tongue roaming her mouth. everyone claps and chears including Niall. Harry picks Grace up and takes her to their house and shuts the bedroom door behind himself. he slides off his suit and tie while her dress is taken off. she smiles as he holds her waist kissing her

"we're having a baby?" he asks smiling wide

"a baby boy" she says smiling at him

he smiles and spins her around. he lays her on the bed as they both laugh. he gently moves a few strands of hair that's in her eyes before handing her the spare change of clothes she brought since they are going to the cabin for their hunnymoon. they get dressed and say goodbye to the kids. as Harry drives to the  cabin he holds Grace's hand. they get to the cabin and she smiles wide. she steps out of the car and so does he. he picks her up bridal style carrying her inside and up to the bedroom. she smiles as she enterlaces her fingers with his

"i love you Harry Styles" she says "and i have since day one"

he smiles wide and pecks her lips. he stays close barely not touching her lips

"i love you Grace Styles" he admits "and i have since day one"

they gently kiss again. the rest of their vacation is filled with love and passion.


Grace and Harry smile as they cuddle close. their kids continue to run around in the back yard. harry's son and his and Grace's kids are growing up fast. Harry smiles as Darcy throughs a beach ball at her little brother Jackson. whom was born three years ago. Niall's married and having his first child with a girl named Brianna.

Harry's P.O.V.

i never thought i'd fall in love but here we are 5 years after Grace and i met. and i couldn't be happier. we've had alot of issues but i couldn't be happier. all because i climbed a tree faster she chose me. in honesty though i think even if i hadn't done that or won or any of that me and her would have still fallen in love. - Harold

Grace's P.O.V.

i never imagined being with my true love forever. a piece of me will always belong to my ex. he was my first love. if that car wreck hadn't happened then things would be so different. i'm so lucky to have Harry in my life and i'm completely in love with him. for now and for the rest of my life. our children and our lives are here. with each other. - Grace


I'm yours (Harry Styles/Niall Horan fanfiction)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن