chapter 14 (old times)

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Grace smiles as she wakes up the next morning in Harry's arms. Liam stayed out all night with Sophia and she has to wake Harry up before Liam can get home. Harry still needs to pack quickly for the trip. he hasn't told Grace he's going though. she slides up and kisses Harry's neck

"wake up baby" she mumbles against his neck

he moacs a bit and opens his eyes looking down at the woman he loves. he smiles and sits up walking across the room to his boxers. she can't help but look at his perfect body. she really loves him. he slides his boxers on and then his black skinny jeans.he walks over again and sits so that his area brushes against her still naked body. she whimpers a bit wishing he'd just stay and be with her all day

"i didn't go too rough did i?" he asks looking at her worried

she shakes her head and kisses him

"you are never too rough baby" she breaths against his mouth.

he smiles as he pulls away sliding his lips to her neck. she lets out a small moan. his hands wrapping around her waist. then the bedroom door swings open. Liam screams and runs out and Grace pushes Harry off from fear. Harry feels the same shock and he quickly hands her close. she slides on her underwear, bra, and a black dress that goes to just above her knees. Harry stays in the bedroom as she runs out to Liam who's in the living room still covering his eyes

"i'm dressed idiot" she mumbles

he uncovers his eyes and she tries not to laugh.

"what the hell was that?!?!?!?!?!" Liam asks

"you not knocking" Harry mumbles as he walks to the kitchen

Grace's eyes squeeze shut and she lets out a sigh

"m-me and Harry slept together" she admits

"Grace what the actual fuck?" Liam asks "i thought you were over him"

"Liam listen me and Harry both already know last night wasn't serious" she says "h-he came over to apologize and well... t-things got out of hand"

"Grace do you still love him?" Liam asks

"i-i don't know" she admits

he sighs. he can't be mad at her

"Grace please just be more careful" he says "and he better not get you preggo or else i'mma beat the shit out of him"

she laughs a bit and Harry walks in and smiles at her grabbing his shirt and sliding it on

"i-i should get going" he says softly "i'll see you soon"

"see ya around Harry" Grace says throwing him a small wink

he laughs and Liam rolls his eyes trying not to laugh.

"oh and Liam please learn to knock mate" Harry mumbles to Liam "next time we may not be partially dressed"

Grace blushes bright red and shakes her head going to her room. she starts to pack the rest of her clothes. she finishes and takes her bag to the living room. she notices Liam smirking and she throws a pillow at him

"if you ever mention this to anybody i will personall chop your balls off" Grace threatens

he laughs harder and they take their bags outside. she smiles as Louis runs to her hugging her. he sets her down

"hi to you too Louis!" Grace says laughing

"we love you you know that right?" Zayn asks her smiling

she nods her head getting a ner nervous and then Harry's car pulls up. she turns and looks at Liam who's laughing his head off.

"you gotta be kidding me" she mumbles

"you both should stay friends" Niall says "he needs you"

"maybe to suck him off" Liam mumbles

she shoots him a death Glare and he shuts up. harry steps out of the car in fresh clothes. his hair still damp from this morning. he takes his bag out of the car and sets it with the others in the minivan. he walks over and smiles at Grace. she rolls her eyes playfully

"hello Mr Styles" she says

"Ms Mills" Harry says right back

they both are forced into the same car as Liam and Louis. the ride is mainly filled with jokes and stupid stuff Grace doesn't care about. she just looks at Harry with reflections and the corner of her eye. Harry does the same thing when she's not looking. Harry wants to hold Grace's hand. he wants to kiss her and love her, but he lost that the second he didn't tell her he was going to be a father. he sighs as they get to the cabin. she steps out and smiles as she looks around. just like she remembers it. Harry's jaw drops

"this place is amazing!" he says

"best place in the world right?" she asks

he walks over to her grabbing her bag for her

"not as good as with you alone" he whispers

she blushes and smiles at him. he walks inside with his bags leaving her to carry her second bag. she takes her thigns inside and races to the big bedroom getting there the same time as Harry. she laughs

"isn't it ladies first?" she asks smirking

"well gentlemen are always supposed to go in first to make sure it's safe" Harry says right back

"whoever goes in though gets the room" Grace says "and since your reason is because it's my room doesn't that mean that i should go in real quick and set my bags on my bed?"

"not happening sunshine" he says smirking

"since when am i your sunshine?" Grace asks smirking

"since i fucked you sensless last night" he says right back at her

"hey!" she says blushing "keep your voice down about that Harry. the others will tease me till the day i die if they find out!"

he pulls her close letting his lips connect to hers

"if they pick on you i'll kill 'em for you" he teases

she lets out a soft moan as he slides his tongue into her mouth roaming everywhere. his hands traveling up and down her body. sliding to her bum squeezing it. she winces as the touch since she's still soar and he kisses her all the more. they pull apart as they hear somebody. she laughs and then Louis walks out of the bedroom and Grace laughs since that means it's his. Harry mentally murders Louis but goes to the room across the hall from Grace's choice of room. as they unpack Harry can't help but think a bit. he's gotta tell Grace the truth. he needs to tell her that he is already going to be a father. hopefully she'll take it well...

if not he's dead meat.

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