chapter 16 (comas and broken promises)

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Harry sighs as he gets home and goes to his room. Gemma follows

"Harry i thought you were going to be gone all week" Gemma says

"Grace doesn't want me there anymore" Harry states "i left"

"since when do you listen to somebody?" Gemma asks

"Grace is different Gemma" Harry says softly as he puts away his clothes

"she wasn't different when you slept with her" Gemma says

Harry turns quickly

"Gemma i screwed up ok?" Harry snaps "but i'm too fucking tired and upset to deal with you acting mean to me"

Gemma quickly nods and walks out of the room coming back with a few cookies. she hands them to Harry

"always worked to calm you down when you were younger" Gemma says smiling

"i was six" Harry says trying not to smile at the silly gesture

"and you used to wear footie PJ's so as we all can see the years have not been kind!" Gemma teases

he playfully pushes her and sits on his bed. she sits beside him

"you really love Grace don't you?" Gemma asks him softly

"i never thought i'd love somebody like this" Harry says softly

just then his phone rings. he answers realizing it's Zayn

"hello?" Harry asks

"hey mate we jsut wanted to tell you umm we aren't staying at the cabin. we're in the hospital right now so i can't talk long" Zayn says

"why are you guys at the hospital did i hurt Niall that bad?" Harry asks a bit worried

"no he's fine. well...he'll live. it's Grace. she's umm..." Zayn drags on

"what happened?" Harry asks as tears form

"she slices herself pretty bad. s-she hit her head really hard as a result when she passed out from loss of blood or whatever." Zayn admits "s-she's in surgery"

Harry's heart almost stops

"what hospital?" Harry asks

"Harry..." Zayn says


he hears Zayn sigh and then Zayn tells him the name. Harry hangs up

"Grace is in surgery from trying to kill herself" Harry says "she had cuts all over her body a-and they were all deep"

Harry rushes downstairs and Gemma drives since he's freaking out way too much. they get to the hospital and he runs to the nurse station

"where's Grace Mills?" Harry asks with anger and pain

"she's still in surgery sir." she says smiling at him

he turns and walks to the boys when he spots them. Gemma sits down

"w-what happened?" Harry asks

"well because of you getting her preggo and deciding not to tell us and scaring the living shit out of her she's in surgery. they said she cut open alot of vains" Niall says with anger

"careful Horan i beat the shit out of you once i'll do it again" Harry warns

Liam gets inbetween them and shakes his head

"you both are acting like idiots!" Liam says "harry i think you should go. 'cause Grace wouldn't want you here and neither do we to be honest" Liam states

Harry's heart relaxes and he starts to feel the pain more than anger. he looks at the boys he calls his bandmates and lets tears fall

"fine" Harry says

he runs outside and Gemma follows. Harry and Gemma go home and Harry locks himself in his room. he sits there for what feels like hours reading his messages to Grace. he curls up in a ball crying softly. he's really broken. he lost the love of his life. and now he's broken.

Liam sighs as the doctor finally comes out

"how is she doctor?" Liam asks with shakey hands

"Miss Mills had major bleeding and major cuts. we got her vains repaired and she shouldn't have any issues" the doctor says "but the hit on her head she took caused severe damage."

"is she ok?" Niall asks trying not to cry

"she's in a coma" the doctor says "we aren't sure when or if she'll wake up but if she does the chances of memory loss are about 89%"

Niall's heart breaks and they all go into her room. Niall sits beside her bed. holding her hand as tears form

"Niall we know you've crushed on her since the start but you do know you can't have her right?" Zayn asks him softly "Harry will actually murder you"

"i know Zayn" Niall says softly "but even if i can't have her. she's my baby sis. and because of Harry she's in here."

Zayn sighs. all of them silently agree on one thing. they need to keep her away from Harry.

"it's for her own safety" Liam assures them "if we don't keep them seperated she could try to hurt herself worse"

"if we keep them apart Harry's going to kill us off one by one!" Louis says trembling at the thought "he's way to stressed about her"

"well it helps that she's possibly pregnant now with his kid" Zayn admits

"we're keeping them apart" Niall says "we have to. Harry will realize she's happier without him than with him"

they all agree on the plan.

Harry sighs as he hears a car pull up. probably one of the boys. he just stays curled up in a ball. he doesn't care. somebody knocks softly and he whines

"come in" he says not moving

the door is opened and he sits up to chase the boys away and his jaw drops.

"hi Harry" Mindy says holding her baby lump

Niall sighs as he takes first watch with Grace. he holds her hand

"Grace i don't know if you can hear me" Niall says softly "but i need you to come back. forget about Harry. you can come to me. or one of the other boys. we'll keep Harry away from you. we'll be there for the baby. we need you though. i need you"

her eyes flutter open and his jaw drops

"she's awake!" he says so the boys wake up

they all wake up and rush to her. she looks at the 4 boys surrounding her bed

"h-how are you feeling beautiful?" Niall asks her softly

"my body is burning a bit" she says in almost a whisper feeling terrified

"you hurt yourself Grace. no worries it'll stop soon" Liam coos

she nods

"c-can i ask you all something?" she asks softly

Niall nods

"course" he says smiling

she looks at them all

"w-who are you people?" she asks softly

omg omg omg ok so what do you guys think of this cliff hanger? well no worries because this book is going to have another update! lots of love ~ J.H.

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