Chapter 2. Caught in the Drifts

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Days had passed as Velska made it down the side of the mountain side pulling her cloak over her frame the town still miles away. The snow coming down hard she pressed forward determined to get her supplies. The storm seemed to get worse and more relentless she peered from her hood as she saw a cave she figured going in there and being sheltered might be her best option. Rather then trying to keep going through the storm she walked into the cave seeing as no others inhabited it she smiled as she found a comfortable place to sit as she pulled her cloak closer to her frame to stay warm.  She looked out to the mouth of the cave as the snow kept falling there was a silence that was calming as if one could her the fall of the snow in the air. Her cloak kept her warm for the most part. She smiled as she relaxed her back against the wall of the cave.
Her mind traced back to the one whom she had run away from over a thousand years escaping the cruelty of the one whom created her. Her smile grew knowing now she was far away from him even if it was darkened cave. It was a good comfort her travels had brought here for a reason beyond her reckoning at this point as she road with the flow of where life was taking her for a moment amongst the darkness that filled her mind she felt at peace.  Her gaze turned from the mouth of the cave back to the stalagmites.
There was light blue glow that was like a mist the flowed and moved between the stalagmites, it seemed to heat the cave but it was strange because the energy it was giving off was not of something living but spiritual. She watched as it slithered its way deeper into the cave she relaxed feeling no danger from it. These lands where strange in there own right as if forces beyond this world would breath lightly into it reminding those around it existed. Though this was her very first time encountering the strange energy.  Such things as this where strange to her the peace she felt from it was strangely calm  as she had only know cursed things she watched the flow of it almost entranced.
She stood to her feet placing her hand on the ice cold wall to gain more balance  as she decided to explore the cave a little further. She was intrigued by it as she gazed at the wonders of this cave she only went so far though she felt exploring any further could lead to un needed dangers.  She then turned around and returned to the mouth of the cave seeing as the snow was slowing down she figured now would be her best chance to head out and make it to town as fast as possible.

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