Chapter 11. Prepare

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Iris walked a little in front of Dyrdrenth and the crowd they slowly approached the barracks there was a magic seal that guarded the gates a beautiful golden glow wrapped around iris as she placed her hand upon a seal and unlocked the gates the symbol at the top lit up and glowed she turned her glance to Dydrenth “ its been so long since i have i been this place”  she lightly sighed and had a small smile one could see in her honey dew eyes the fear that laced them for what the future held but it was mixed with deep hope that they would survive this the gates opened.

He had barely heard the girl as she spoke under her breathe as the golden glow on the gates blazed as they opened. He turned facing the crowd that had followed them"Before we get started I need those of you who know weapons to train those who dont and those who can wield magic to follow me"Turning back he picked a side building that seemed to suite his needs. Walking to it opening its door he looked inside, picnic like tables lined either side. Picking a table on the far end of the table he laid out a few simple objects laced with charms along side thinly cut sheets of paper with intricate designs painted on them.

The crowd did as ordered as they separated into groups and walked in Iris followed with the group of magic bearers the others walking in preparing to train iris walked up to the table and looking upon the charms she exhaled as she looked back at the crowd she readied herself for what was to come next she watched as he cut the pieces of paper with intricate designs painted on them.

Once he finished his small project he looked up, taking in all the faces peering back at him in wonder. He cleared his throat taking a deep breath"Who here can use charmed objects?"He asked look around each face, a few raised their hands stepping forward. To each he handed a paper charm."Now whom can use charmed weapons?"The same reaction accured, with much the same he handed each a charmed dagger or something of the like."Now, who can use bigger spells?"He asked looking among them for any to step forward.

Iris looked at him as he spoke she and another stepped forward to him she spoke “ i can”  she glanced up him with seriousness yet kindness it been a while since she had to use such magic but she knew how the other spoke as well saying “ i am capable”  the man looked upon Dydrenth.
Velska walked through the gates wiping blood off her hands with a rag before throwing it in the trash she the towns people already starting to train and work on there skills preparing themselves for what was ahead she finally saw where Dydrenth and Iris where she approached them lowering hood as she walked up to Dydrenth “ we have a slight problem i got a certain someone to speak though he said little but enough apparently there is someone in this town that cant be trusted but he was protecting them tooth and nail until his last breath i cant help but feel it might be one of the elders when you where talking to the elder another behind you was acting strange and off he left before the elder gave his speech”   she lifted her chin to Iris “ iris saw it to”  iris looked at Dydrenth “ it is had me suspicious to”.

Having heard Velskas words those standing around them began to whisper amongst themselves. Dydrenth sighed crossing his arms over his chest his brow pinched."I suppose we have less time than I thought...."He spoke as if in thought, looking to each of their faces"That means we need to work harder if we are to save this town. The enemy has already begun their attack, probably thinking sending out a few assassins to take care of those in charge to dismantle the rest of the crowd."Grabbing a hand full of runed papers he began to hand them out to the magical towns people."To begin start sticking these all around the out walls and trees of town, should help prevent any with ill will from entering for the most part."Stepping back towards the his table he fingered another stack of thin papers handing each person a generous amount"These are paper bombs keep them on your person, speak the incantation on it after sticking it to something... less you want to blow yourself up"His voice holding a hint of humor with the last few words."And lastly I need large vases or urns, any large pottery."He had this planned from the start, he was going to fill sealed vases and what ever else with his poison smoke. Turning them into smoke bomb like projectiles to be able to throw at their enemies. Though with high amounts of the smoke being produced hed have to find a building set a side far enough from the town, wouldn't want any accidental deaths due to lack of safety preparations.

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