Chapter 10. Town Meeting

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     The towns people gathered for the meeting in the town square Iris was walked into the inn after her long walk from the far edge of town to let Dydrenth and velska know that meeting would be here soon.

Hearing the door chime Dydrenth turned his head to the sound, it was Iris as she had returned. His brow creased slightly, 'Cant be good if shes back already' he thought to himself. He stepped back towards the table they had originally sat at curious to what the girl had to say.

Iris saw Dydrenth she smiled as she walked to the table and went and sat down in a chair she exhaled “ so i went visited the mains of the towns people and they said they had seen that light to they agreed that a meeting should be held . There is a bell that will be rung to let the towns people know of the meeting and for them to come”  iris took a moment to look out the window and return her glance Dyrdrenth “ its been so long since we used that bell i am bit of nervous of what is to come”  velska walked down from the stairs and went and sat at the table with Dydrenth and iris as she heard Iris speak of the bell.

His expression turned pained as she spoke of the bell, unknown to them he worked as an assassin for many years. Being that his main power poison smoke made him desirable for the jobs well paid to be done. He knew the game of war and what could come of it, many lives were always lost. He gave a nod to Velska as she rejoined them, he wondered how much longer the town was going to take, time was beginning to get to be against them the longer they waited. So much needed to get done and yet there they waited at an inn dwindling their thumbs all while death circled the country on which they stood steeping ever closer by the minute.

  Velska nodded kindly back to Iris looked upon Dyrdrenth  and velska wishing there was more she could say or do there was silence in the room that made her think of what was to come she had heard of the other kingdom and how it had went to war rumors of a princess who disappeared so many things where going on and wandering through her mind when the sound of the bell went off she jumped from her seat startled velska saw her jump as she understood in ways the thought of war was terrifying but she would do everything in her power to help this town And drydrenth velska spoke “ seems the time has come”  she exhaled velska turning her glance to Dydrenth “we should head out”  velska pushed her chair back and stood from it adjusting her hood she looked at Iris “ the time will come where i think you may need to learn to fully defend yourself may know how to but i dont think you have experienced warfare or i dont really know your personal history but i think its important that you do”  iris looked at velska placing her hand on the table “ i know how to defend myself very well but thank you for the offer i am this with you guys just as much but if you would like to further teach me i would appreciate it”  velska smiled ” i just wanted to make sure i might but it sounds like you can hold on your own”  iris slipped out from her chair and nodded and smiled as she glanced at Dydrenth exhaling “ the masters of arms told me he had collected some provisions lets just hope that towns people have to i worry because we have lived in peace for so long lets hope they move there butts because i could not bare to see this town fall in just one attack”

Adjusting his jacket Dydrenth nodded his head in agreement, he too hoped they had more than meets the eye. This town at a glance looks like itd only withstand one attack before being taken over completely. Leaving the inn he followed the crowd to the square has everyone crowded around a stage like platform. He managed to push his way through to the front so he had a better advantage of talking to the elders as well as making his own speech if need be.

Velska and iris followed behind Dydrenth as he made his way up the elders of the town standing before everyone. One of the elders stepped out from behind the others as he spoke another as his hand was upon there shoulder his hand fell as he approached Dydrenth and the two woman “ the young lid has told me much about you it is indeed a pleasure but we talk about is not of pleasantries”  he placed his hands together and laced his fingers “ tales of what has been going on has reached my ears sadly i did not think it would turn into a war my brother”  he gestured his younger brother “ has no doubts that the need to protect our town has now risen he has started preparations”  he then gestured to another elder “ she has already began preparations for a ward around the town my people here know of war but sadly have become to use to peace i am about to tell them the news in which you told dear Iris though i do indeed oh you a debt for warning the youngling had you not come to know the youngling i doubt this town would have had any warning”  he unlaced his hands “ the royals are fools to think that they we would allow taxes and take advances they are the ones who have started this war but the people will end it is there any other information Dydrenth in which i must i be made aware of before i tell the towns folk?”  one of the elders looked upon Dydrenth with misplaced trust he was one amongst the elders who tried to sow doubt but the one who spoke to Dydrenth Knew much better.

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