Chapter 4. Passing to Intertwined

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At last velska had made it to town she was covered in snow she looked around as she walked through iris turned her glance to her and iris noticed how the woman seemed a bit grumpy she was stand offish and iris did not want to bother her Velska dusted off some of the snow and glanced at iris and lightly smiled pulling her hood down she continued to walk through the town approaching a coffee shop and walked inside feeling the warmth of the coffee shop she took in the sweet smells and aromas of the various coffees and ordered herself a coffee and say down at a chair near window and took her first sip the flavors swam across her taste buds as she enjoyed the flavor that was one of the perks of being a vampire. There taste buds where very sensitive very few things she was able to enjoy and coffee was certainly one of the things she enjoyed very much so. elska quietly sat in the booth enjoying her warm coffee. She gazed out the misted windows unto this new town and wondered what the future might have in store for her she turned her glance away as she looked down at her coffee looking at its Carmel color before setting it down lightly she rolled up her sleeves as lightly smiled.

Finishing washing himself Dydrenth shut the hot water off, sliding the glass door open grabbing a towel. Drying his hair roughly he tied the towel around his waist padding into the bedroom taking a place once more the bed laying back into its cushion. Sitting up once more he grabbed his jacket, reaching into the depths of its pockets he withdrew a bag pulling from it clean clothes. One might wonder how hed done such a thing but that was many of his kept secrets. He pulled on the clothes, nothing more than a button down black long sleeve with black Jean's an black socks. Replacing his dirty clothes into the bag returning it to his jacket pocket. Throwing his jacket on once he turned the light off to his room leaving it locking the door behind him.

Walking down the stairs he nodded to the inn keep as he passed leaving into the white abyss that seemed to swallow the town whole. Shoving his hands into his pockets he walked away down the cobble stone path to the near by coffee shop. Pushing the door open with a light ring of a bell he walked to the counter ordering himself a coffee. The smells of different brews blanketed his nose with their aromas, taking his coffee he wandered to a table near the window. Sitting down he gazed through the glass at the ever flowing balls of Crystal's floating the air blanketed everything in a white glitter of silence.

  Velska sat comfortably in her chair tell the sound of the bell ringing and the door opening caught her attention she turned her glance to see a tall man with braided hair sitting next to window enjoying a cup of coffee much like she was. It was nice to see someone else partake in a cup coffee much like herself she lightly smiled before turning her glance back out the window her breath lightly hit the glass. Reminding her of a time very very long ago. She picked up her cup off coffee and took a sip from it as she enjoyed the flavor of it very much so much it was relaxing in the coffee the shop something that was nice compared to the wilderness of the mountains her glance once again returned to the man her thoughts pondered for moment before she looked away.
She could not help but quietly think to herself how handsome he was she noticed from the two times she had looked him the very details of the way his hair was braided the color of his orbs the aura and energy he put out. the clothing he wore and how it completed his muscular frame the thoughts lingered for a moment before took another sip of coffee as the evil inside of her made her doubt that he would be interested in her she returned her gaze outside noticing how the snow looked like small crystals flowing to the ground landed in comfortable blanket upon the ground. She pulled a smile to her lips as fought against the inner darkened voice and focused on the moment.

Pulling his eyes from the scene beyond the glass Dydrenth glanced around the cafe. Taking its family portraits and scenes of small animals, his eyes rested a moment on the woman sitting acrossed at another table. Her posture seemed elegant but clouded as if to hide in plain sight, taking a long sip from his cup before setting it back on its coaster. He pulled his gazed back to the window takin in the Crystal's of ice that had formed along its edges from the outside.

Velska set her cup of coffee down as temptation once again drew her attention to him she  hid her eyes behind the curve of her hood as she soaked in his facial features that where alluring he seemed to hold himself highly he  was very quiet but her thoughts reminded of hearing him when he briefly spoke earlier ordering his coffee that was deep yet calm a small breath escaped her lips as she turned pulling her hood down she gazed out the window as a small smile curled upon her lips that was three times she had glanced at him what was it about him she wondered  to herself that drew her eyes to him. A soft melody played in the back round of the coffee shop but it escaped the moment  as her eyes peered out to the endless people walking by the shop.

Dydrenth downed the rest of his coffee standing from his table, walking to the counter with cup in hand. He returns the cup to the barista ordering a meat pie to go, as he waited for his pie he leaned against the counter top off to the side. Gazing around the shop at its few patrons chatting with one another besides the lone woman off to the side. Thanking the barista he took his pie pulling his jacket closer around himself as he approached the door leaving with a small ring as he stepped out into the cold. The snow seemed to have thickened tho not coming down any faster, his breathes making small clouds appear before him he walked a ways down the almost barren street. Few people were still out having got caught in the storm or unfortunately still had arons to do. He came to the entrance to which hed come through clearing off the boulder from which he had sat before, sitting down on it once more watching the snow float to the ground.

Velska watched as he walked out the door. She turned finishing the last of her coffee she stood up rolling her sleeves back down and putting her hood back over her head. She picked up her cup and slid out from the booth she was sitting at she thanked the barista and stepped outside the snow seemed relentless  but she enjoyed it to she figured it would be un-wise to go back out to the wilderness. She put the last strap of her bag on her shoulder and looked around hoping to see if she could find a place to stay she saw the inn and walked over to it she paid freya for her stay and got her key and walked over to her room. She opened the window curtains and gazed out from her point of view she was able to see the man she saw earlier she smiled walking away from her window and pulled her back pack off of her frame and set it on the bed. She pulled out some clean clothes and walked over to the shower and took a quick shower. She stepped out of the shower and wrapped the towel around her frame she then dried herself and dressed herself. She walked out of her room and decided to explore the hallways of the inn and found a common room and say several books that lined the book shelfs she went to reach for one when her hand froze in mid air she shook it off and grabbed the back and sighed as she needed the distraction for her mind feeling the darkness once again wrap its hands around the shoulders of her mind. She walked out of the common rooms and went to the main entrance area of the inn sitting a comfortable spot she was interested  in reading her book here to see who else was staying at the inn as she saw a couple walk in she ducked her head and opened her book

Iris walked up to a tree a gently placed her hand on it a golden hue traced around her frame. She listened deeply to the tree hearing the water flow through it she smiled softly lowering her hand from the tree she then changed her form changing to a fox she jumped in the tree in a not so hidden spot and snuggled herself comfortably as she watched people walk through the town.
She was covered in a thin layer of snow she had woke up and shook her frame knocking the snow off of her she lightly yawned as she was waking herself and jumped down from the tree branch she was staying on and shook herself more. She decided to take a walk to warm up just a bit.
Iris felt like the walk was not warming her up at all she decided to go to her home to warm up. she walked past close to Dydrenth was she switched to her normal form it was quick and  painless she turned and smiled seeing Dydrenth sitting on the stone. She smiled and waved as she pulled her key out from her pocket and started to unlock her door.

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