Chapter 5. Just the Beginning

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Dydrenths eyes followed the woman as she walked by to what seemed to be a small cottage, with a wave she turned to her door. He stood from the boulder approaching the woman lightly tapping her on the shoulder with the meat pie in hand.

Iris turned her glance as she felt the tap on her shoulder she smiled softly as she saw Drydrenth she spoke softly as she unlocked her door and pulled the key out “ hello”  she gazed into his eyes kindly.
“How are you doing today? Its good to see you”  her smile widened “ would you like you come in perhaps i can make tea or something?”  she blushed lightly.
She knew she was rambling a little out of nervousness but she was trying to make conversation and she was more then happy to invite him into her home.

He shook his head,"No, this is for you"He said has he slightly gestured for her to take the meat pie hed held in his hand"For yesterday"He said as his eyes watched her curiously.

Iris smiled “ thank you did not have to”  she kindly took the pie from him the sweet Aroma of meat and flavor steamed from it. His thoughtfulness made her very happy. she glanced down at the pie in her hand and then back up to him.

His eyes watched as she took the pie from him with a smile breathing in its seasoned aroma. He lightly shrugged to her words slightly turning"Just returning the favor"He said as he tipped his hood to her with a nod of his head as he walked toward the inn.

She smiled as she nodded kindly back to him she walked into her home carefully carrying it inside. She set it on the table and went to the kitchen and grabbed a fork from a drawer and then walked back to her table and sat down and started to eat the pie she enjoyed the taste of it and appreciated his kindness so much.


Making his way to the inn opening its front door, he nodded to the desk woman as he made his way to the stairs. Once up the stairs he unlocked his room walking in he took off his jacket throwing it acrossed the back of a chair. Sitting in the bed he unwrapped his boots setting them aside, stretching his arms to the ceiling he laid back folding his legs under the comforter. For a moment he stared at the ceiling thinking before sleep wrapped its arms around him making his eyes creep shut sercuming to slumber


Velska glanced up from her book hearing the door open she saw the one from the cafe his movements captivated her she shook her head and returned her glance back to her book and turned to the last page of her book. The words intertwined into the ending of the book she smiled as the story was ending she read down to the last word and closed the book and smiled she looked up a nodded at freya. Freya smiled shaking her head. Velska then stood from her chair and walked back to the common rooms setting the book back on the shelf she walked out from there and walked up the stairs to her room where she walked up to her bed and sat down pulling her hood down she opened her bag and pulled out some crystals feeling like she needed some further mediation to gain more control of the dragging voices in her mind she placed them around her and she closed her eyes  and she tried to sooth constant battle within herself.  One of velska’s eyes opened as a small smile curled upon her lips she had picked up the relaxation and slumber of another she closed her eye as a small laugh escaped from her chest.
After a while of meditating velska finished meditating her eyes lightly fluttered opened she picked up the crystals around her and placed them back in her bag she then stood off the bed and stretched she figured a good stretch and walk might do her some justice she walked over to the door and opened it steeping out of her room in the inn she shut the door behind her.
Iris finished the pie Dydrenth had given her she licked her lips and fingers all happily she got up and taking the tray and the fork to the sink. She washed the fork and platter the pie was in with little distractions of playing with bubbles. One getting stuck on her nose she giggled blowing it off.

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