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*time frame no longer matters*
Steve had just left. It was almost 2am; the record had repeated over 6 times, but neither him or Natasha noticed.
Natasha let go first, "It's getting late Steve." Nat whispered.
Steve pulled back as well looking at his watch, "or early." he said with a small laugh, "I'll get going."
"Okay, I'll see you later?" Nat asked.
"Of course." he said with a wide grin.
"Okay, bye Steve." Nat said walking him out.
"Bye Nat." he said, "oh, and by the way, thank you for teaching me how to dance." he said pulling her into a hug.
"Anytime Steve."
The next morning
My alarm started going off at 7am like usual, but I'm not usually out until 2am dancing with my friend. Therefore, I hit snooze and covered my head with a pillow to block the intense morning light. As I laid there, with the pillow on my head, I replayed my night with Nat. It was mostly dancing, but when we weren't dancing we were talking. Not talking about missions, but talking about what we liked, who we are. I found out that she loves chicken parmesan, trying every pizza place she can find, and loves watching people draw. When she mentioned the drawing I decided I wouldn't tell her I could, not yet. I wanted to make the reveal meaningful, so I'm going to draw her, after I cook her chicken parmesan because if I'm being honest I'm quite good at it. My snooze button had gone off once again. This time I stopped it, got out of bed, and started cooking.
My alarm went off at 7am, but since I was up all night I hit snooze. The sun was beaming in through the windows, so I threw all my blankets on top of me. I started to reminisce about last night with Steve my....friend? I'm scared of what might be happening between me and him, but the thing is last night was amazing. We never ran out of things to talk about. I found out that he loves sappy family movies, and movie theaters. He also enjoys practicing writing with both hands, incase something happened. We both laughed about it. My snooze alarm then went off again, so I decided to role myself out of bed and make some coffee. Maybe find a movie for me and Steve to watch.
It was about noon when I finished cooking and decided to go get Nat and surprise her.
I walked up to her room and knocked on her door.
When she answered she looked tired, to be honest so was I.
"Hey." she said with a smile.
"Hey. You look kinda tired." I said concerned, "still recovering from last night?" I said jokingly.
"C'mon Rogers if anyone you should be." she laughed.
"You hungry?" I asked.
"Yeah, why? You wanna go somewhere?" she asked.
"I had a better idea."
I reached out my hand as she took it I lead her to my apartment.
"Here we are." I beamed opening the door to a set table and her favorite.
"Wow, Steve this is amazing. How are you so thoughtful?" she said overjoyed.
"I try my best." I said pulling out her chair.
"Steve I don't even know what to say."
"You don't have to say anything." I replied.
We sat down to eat and began talking.
"Remember last night when you said you loved to watch people draw?"
"I remember." she replied.
"Well, I didn't tell you I'm kind of a sketch artist."
"Steve Rogers can draw?" she said surprised, "well that's a little unexpected."
"Yeah I took it up in the army back then." I explained then continued saying, "can I draw you?"
I asked hopeful.
She looked up with a smile, "Of course."
I ran to grab my pencils and sketch papers while she enjoyed the food.
"Ok do you wanna look sweet or like badass?" I asked with a laugh.
"Both." she said smiling.
"Ah okay trying to make it difficult Romanoff?" I laughed.
"A little."
As I sketched her we talked and talked and talked getting to know each other even more then we already did. I finished the drawing, but I didn't want to stop talking to her, so I pretended to continue working for a good half hour.
"You done yet?" she asked excitedly.
"Have been." I smiled.
"And you didn't tell me?" she said playfully annoyed.
"I didn't wanna ruin the conversation."
"Just show me Rogers." she said putting her head on her hands.
"Okay." I said turning around the paper.
She just sat there, but for some reason I still can't read her face and her eyes weren't saying much.
"Do you like it? If you don't I can mak-" she cut me off.
"Steve it's beautiful. You really see me like that?" she said getting teary eyed.
"How could I not? You're beautiful." I then added, "and badass."
She grabbed my hand, "Thank you Steve."
I tore out the page and gave it to her smiling, "Anytime Nat."
We continued eating and she kept saying how amazing it was, and I kept laughing and thanking her. I looked into her eyes and all I felt was love, but I don't think she feels she same way. Even if she did how would we I've never done that before.
(natasha's pov)
We had just finished dinner and decided to catch up on some of the iconic movies Steve had missed in the 70 he was under the ice. I insisted we start with Dirty Dancing, for obvious reasons.
"Who's in it?" he asked.
"Uhm Patrick Swayze and Jennifer Grey." I responded.
"It's bad that I don't know who they are isn't it?" he laughed.
"A little." I laughed back, "Are you ready?"
"Yeah, if you want there are blankets in the closet over there."
"oh, thanks, you want one too?" I asked walking over.
"Sure, thanks."
I then grabbed the blankets and we hit play.

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