Not Yet

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(natasha's pov)
I had finally composed myself and arrived back to my place. I knew Steve and I had to talk, and I knew he would be home. So I grabbed his shoes and his white shirt, and got the courage to go upstairs and knock on his door.
(steve's pov)
What was I going to do? How? Why? I didn't want this to happen she's my best friend if this was ever gonna happen I wanted to remember it. And I just don't. Then I heard a knock at the door revealing her.
"Uhm hey." nat shyly said barley making eye contact.
"I thought you'd want these back." she responded holding out his shirt and shoes.
"Yeah, uhm thank you." Steve replied.
They both just stood there for what seemed like forever before Nat decided to break the silence.
"We should talk."
"I know." Steve replied allowing her inside.
They sat in the couch close, but far from each other.
"What happened last night?" Steve started.
"I- I don't know." Nat responded; she was choking back her cries.
"Did we...?" he asked not finishing his sentence.
"What else could we have possibly done?" Nat responded barely able to hold in her emotions.
"Yeah?" she said her lip now quivering.
She couldn't hold it in anymore. She just cried. Steve quickly shortens the distance between them to none pulling her into his lap, almost bridal style, and letting her cry. He didn't know what to do. Why was she reacting this way? He didn't know why, so he stayed there till her cries slowed to small sniffles, but didn't let go of her.
"Do you even remember last night?" Steve asked her.
"Not even a minute." she replied.
"What do we do now?"
"What do you mean?" she asked bewildered.
"I mean do we just sit here or do we tell each other the truth." he said.
"What truth?"
"The truth about how we feel for each other? About us?"
"There's no truth to tell." Nat said lying.
"How could there not be?" Steve asked a little mad and hurt.
"There just isn't."
"C'mon Nat. Not after the night we spent dancing together, the day I cooked for you and the night we fell asleep together watching movies. I don't know what it's like in this time, but back then that's what it was like to be in love."
Nat quickly moved from her position after he used those two words in love. He felt it too. She was now standing and so was he.
"You really think that's how I wanted my first time to go? Not remembering, waking up next to you and feeling shattered because all I wanted to do was remember. Then, then I got mad. I wanted a love story with you Nat. I wanted the freaking stolen glances, the small moments, I wanted it all until it lead up to a long awaited kiss that no one wants to pull away from. I wanted it all with you."
At this point Steve has realized what he said, and Nat was just standing there with watery eyes.
Nat then walked up to him and just wrapped her arms around him for a minute. Her next words hurt.
"I can't, not yet." and then she walked out closing the door behind her.
All Steve could do was sit on the couch and put his head in his hands.

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