Open Your Eyes

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(steve's pov)
I watched her all the way down the hall until she turned the corner. She was hugging herself. What was wrong? I wanted to know, but I decided to keep distance and let her figure out what she needed, even if that wasn't me.
2 days later
Steve was walking into the kitchen to grab his breakfast before workouts as he always did. Except for the past few weeks he's been missing his partner. He missed her. Even though she was right there in the same building. He missed her. He hasn't seen her in two days. However, he saw her discretely run out this morning. It was probably nothing though. He continued to finish his breakfast and went to workout.
(natasha's pov)
I just couldn't get my mind around it. Me? How?
So I had to do the only thing I could do to get me to believe it. I had to pee on a stick, which I must say is a weird concept. However, I had to tell someone I couldn't keep it bottled up, so I went to the store, then decided I'd tell Pepper.
"Hey Nat. You said it was important? What's up? What's in the bag?" she asked me as I walked in.
"Are you the only one home?" I asked suspicious.
"Yeah? Nat you're scaring me."
"I'm scaring me." I replied.
"Nat? What's wrong?"
I then continued to answer her earlier question by pouring out the bag onto her counter. Pregnancy tests. She just looked at me.
"Nat?" she said gingerly.
(pepper's pov)
She poured out the bag onto my counter and I couldn't believe what was in it.
"Nat?" is all I could say, "are you ok?"
"I- I don't know Pepper." she replied looking at her feet with her arms crossed.
"Ok, ok come here." I said taking her in my arms, "you're ok. Everything is going to be ok." I said comforting her.
After I calmed her down a little bit, which was hard to do, she continued to tell me that she wasn't feeling right, so she saw the doctor at the compound and they told her she was pregnant, but she doesn't believe them so here she is.
"Isn't it impossible?" I asked just as confused as she probably was.
"It is! It was?" she replied upset.
"Uhm. Do you know how to do this?" I said trying to get back the the subject.
"How hard could it be?" she said looking down scared.
"Ok you take these into the bathroom and I'll wait right outside the door, ok?"
"Yeah, ok." she said.
Nat then continued to grab the boxes and walk into the bathroom with Pepper right behind her.
"I'll sit right outside the door." she said with a supportive smile.
"Ok." is all Nat said.
Natasha then continued to walk in and close the door while Pepper leaned against the door.
"Tell me when to start the timer, ok?"
"I can start it."
Nat then took her place against her side of the door with the three tests sitting next to her upside down.
She pulled her knees into her chest and prayed. She didn't know what she was praying for, or even how to pray, but she prayed.
"You ok in there?" she heard Pepper ask.
"Uhm yeah."
She knew why she asked once she heard the alarm go off. Sheer panic ran over her.
"Do you want me to come in Nat?"
"Mmhmmm." is all she said still not moving the test but instead moving across the bathroom to lean against the tub.
"Ok I'm coming in." Pepper said opening the door, then closing it and sitting against it realizing the test were still upside down, "Did you look?"
"No, I can't."
Pepper picked them up, not looking, and handed them to Nat across the small bathroom.
"You gotta look Nat." she said in a supportive voice.
"But what if it's actually positive?" she replied terrified.
"Then I'll be here."
Nat finally began to flip them over with her eyes closed.
(nat's pov)
My eyes were still closed, but they were facing me. When I opened my eyes I'd know. I got the ones that actually say it, which kinda feels dumb now.
"You gotta open you're eyes Nat." I heard Pepper whisper to me.
"Yeah I know...You know I've always wanted a family." I said trying to look on the bright side of the situation.
"Ahaha yeah, but not like this. I wanted to remember it." I said with a pain filled laugh.
"You'll remember this."
"Still isn't the way I wanted it to go."
"I know, but you really have to open your eyes now."
"Ok, ok." I said taking a deep breath.
I opened my eyes and looked down
All I could do was gasp. I put the test down and looked at Pepper with disbelief in my eyes, but then I looked back down and put my head in my hands.
"Shit." I sniffles out.
(Pepper's pov)
She looked at my and then put her head in her hands, "Shit."
I got up and sat next to her comforting her looking down at the positive tests to see for myself as she cried into my arms.
"You gotta tell him."
She sniffles again getting up, "Yeah I know."
"How are you gonna do it?" I asked.
"Is there really a way to do it?" she asked bewildered.
"In this situation? I'm not sure."
"I guess I'll just figure something out." she said walking out.
"Wait Nat." I said picking up her tests, "maybe these will help." I said trying to give her a reassuring smile.
"Uh yeah thanks." she said leaving.
Nat then left to find Steve.
She needed him to know.

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